What is the difference between feminism and feminisms

Rosser has distinguished at least ten different feminist approaches to science and technology Rosser, Many people in Europe, the U. It is important to recognize that what is labeled "feminist" in one time and place becomes business as usual in another.

It is a curious phenomenon that when feminist practices or points of view become widely accepted in science, medicine, engineering, or the culture more generally, they are no longer considered "feminist," but simply "just" or "true.

Here we present four broad feminist approaches. Although these approaches differ, they are not mutually exclusive, nor does one supersede any other. These approaches represent basic strategies guiding research, legislation, and policies. Liberal Feminism, or the Equality Approach , has been the leading form of feminism in the U. It has informed major legislation guaranteeing women equal rights, education, pay, and opportunity in Europe the Amsterdam Treaty of ; in the U.

Liberal feminism has been criticized for not recognizing sex and gender differences. Difference Feminism represents a broad spectrum of feminisms that emphasize differences between women and men.

A number of feminisms exist. Employing them as guides to the conduct of research and the selection of techniques and epistemologies constitutes feminist methodology. Feminist Social Theory From The Penguin Dictionary of Sociology In general terms, feminist social theory is concerned to understand and explain the subordinate position of women in society by reference to gender differences and specifically in terms of a theory of patriarchy.

Rather, feminist theology arises from a recognition that traditional theology in Christianity and other major religions has been created almost exclusively by males. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Feminism An introduction to resources useful for researching topics in feminism and women's studies, including feminist theory, movements, and literature.

It refers to a theory, an identity, and a political struggle. Ecofeminism From Encyclopedia of Environment and Society Ecofeminism posits that the same masculinist habits of thinking and behavior that devalue, oppress, and exploit women also do so to nature; and are mutually reinforcing hegemonic processes pivoting around artificial Western binary oppositions interpreted by religion, science, government, and other androcentric agencies.

Feminist Political Philosophy From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , this page discusses both the historical context and developments of feminist political philosophy and a number of contemporary approaches, including radical feminism, poststructuralist feminisms, and more.

More Feminisms and Feminist Theories Feminist Art From Encyclopedia of American Studies Feminist art was not regarded as a movement per se but a revolutionary strategy intended to challenge received assessments of modernism, formal values, and stylistic hierarchies.

Feminist Literary Criticism From The Reader's Companion to US Women's History Feminist literary criticism can be defined as the study of literature by women, or the interpretation of any text written with an attention to gender dynamics or a focus on female characters.


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