When you know that someone has your back percent, it means so much in the Big Brother house. I did not expect to come out of this game with someone I feel is a new best friend in my life. Did you ever contemplate throwing a competition to be seen as less of a target?

They were always after me more than him. So at that point Mike was out and I was just giving homage to my friend Boogie. What made Boogie such a good ally and friend in the house? But, as it turned out this summer, I had to win as much as possible.

Sid Eudy. Sid Vicious as Sycho Sid in Billed height, 6 ft 9. But, what I do know is frank has got everything it takes to be a leader.

A leader who will guide you to the end and more than likely, lose on purpose. Franks mom is kind, considerate, and beautiful. Oh YEA! Let me leave you fine folks this! When I would stay at Sids when we were teenagers. He went from cooking eggs at the house to being a great wrestler surrounded by Great People!.

At a WCW pay-per-view wrestling event, Sid Vicious performed a maneuver that resulted in him breaking his leg in half , which is every bit as awful as it sounds seriously, click at your own risk.

During his surgery following the match, a inch rod was put in his leg, forcing him to walk with a cane for awhile afterward. With a year left in his contract, he basically had no choice but to wait it out and be done with wrestling as a sport afterward. He did return briefly in , but at that point, the candle had burned out.

As to be expected, Sid Vicious wasn't one to be wiped out of the public eye right away. Neither were blockbusters, but they kept Sid Vicious in show business just a little longer. Today, Frank Eudy's dad lives a quiet life with his longtime wife in their Arkansas home, supporting Frank on Big Brother Despite having a famous dad, though, Frank didn't win Big Brother 14 and it probably won't help him now. He's been disrespectful of many of the female houseguests, intent on evicting said females, and all about controlling Bridgette as current HOH.

But his true nature is slowly being revealed to the other houseguests of Big Brother 18 and just because Frank has a famous dad, it won't mean that he'll be exempt from being a target himself.

Stepping down in , he was hired by the Wissotzky tea company, first in Russia and then in in London, where he remained until his move to Tel Aviv in Ahad Ha-Am led a mostly sedentary existence. In appearance Ahad Ha-Am was slight, with reddish hair and a large head.

He spoke softly in a calm, often sardonic voice. Often giving the impression of being shy, he was easily offended and avoided most opportunities to speak in public. On the whole, his public presence as a speaker was not mesmerizing, but he had the ability to persuade listeners—as well as many readers over the course of several decades—of his rare, even singular, Jewish authenticity, akin in the minds of his most devoted followers to that of an ancient prophet.

He drew on them in ways that were not systematic from a philosophical standpoint but were nevertheless deeply compelling to an eager, generally unschooled yet intellectually voracious constituency.

Inspired by the Jewish Enlightenment and the social optimism of European liberalism, it promised Jewish authenticity shorn of theology, yet animated, as he saw it, by features even more enduring. Termed cultural or spiritual Zionism, Ahad Ha-Am made the case that it was culture as first embodied in statecraft in ancient Israel and later in rabbinic law or Jewish philosophy that had held the Jewish people together throughout a complex, peripatetic history. Certain features remained paramount: a firm belief in leadership based on intellect, uncompromising honesty, and a commitment to justice.

Central was an abiding preoccupation with the land of Israel as the focal point of Jewish life. Jewish history reflected a dexterous, principled series of accommodations, a successful exercise in creative integration, in which Jews absorbed the best from other cultures while emphatically making one of their own. As was true of Zionism as a whole, cultural Zionism was motivated by crisis, with assimilation , not antisemitism , looming largest.

In he died and was buried in Tel Aviv. Ahad Haam was an original and penetrating thinker. He was one of the first opponents of Theodor Herzl's political Zionism, and he proposed instead national redemption through a spiritual Zionism. Such a goal, he thought, could be reached only through a center of learning, ethics, philosophy, and science in Palestine.

This center would safeguard the Jewish nation against cultural assimilation and would strengthen feelings of national solidarity among Diaspora Jewry. He argued that solutions to the economic and political problems of millions of Jews were unattainable, since "an ingathering of the exiles would be nothing short of miraculous. The National Library preserves photographs from his visits, photographs documenting different periods in his life, as well as postcards with his image that were published in different countries as a sign of appreciation for his work.

Many of the posters included invitations to lectures about him while others promoted the use of the Hebrew language in the spirit of his vision.

His writings were even studied in the Israeli education system in the decades following the establishment of the state. The funeral procession, attended by thousands, left from his home and passed by the Hebrew Gymnasium and the city's Great Synagogue. Schoolchildren and members of youth movements accompanied his coffin or stood by at attention as the procession passed. He was eulogized by his friend H. His death was heavily mourned by the Jewish community in the Land of Israel, and has been commemorated in many ways over the years.

Thus he represented in his life and work the impact of both these forces. From Hasidism he inherited intensity of feeling, a burning though quiet faith. His life, like that of Mazzini, was entirely dedicated to his nationalist ideal; he became the apostle of one idea, devoting little time or active interest to broader, or aesthetic, concerns.

On the other hand, through the Haskalah he entered into the best heritage of the modern West. His intellectual honesty and self-discipline, his sober and responsible realism, his meticulous attention to fact and form alike, and his contempt for rhetoric and demagogy associated him more closely with Mill or Masaryk than with Mazzini. With Masaryk he shared also a religious ethicism outside any orthodox faith.

Yet in his feelings he was profoundly in tune with the Jewish masses and their millenary nationalist hopes; though he was able to view them critically and with a dispassionate objectivity guided by universal values, his emotions often shaped his ultimate outlook. The conditions of his upbringing made him a Jewish nationalist. In the middle of the 19th century the Russian Jewish masses were subjects of the Czar, but they were not of Russia and hardly in Russia.

Their segregation was complete to a degree incomprehensible to citizens of modern nations. As a student he was not even allowed to look at the letters of the Russian alphabet, still less to learn Russian. This learning opened a new world to him, but his faith and security in that world were badly shaken by the pogroms of which put an end to the hopeful liberal reform era of Alexander II. The old man, remembering the days of his youth when he longed for a broader education and contact with the world outside, tells the story of how a visiting government official suggested to his father that he be sent to a high school.

Though he wrote much in later years, he never became a professional writer. He remained a merchant, jealous of his independence of mind and thought. For six years, from to , he was editor of the Hebrew monthly Hashiloah. In his editorial statement he omitted all references to Palestine or Zionism. He wished to create an open forum which, far removed from any spirit of party or predetermined solution, would seek for deeper understanding of, and an unprejudiced approach to, the Jewish problem.

He introduced, and insisted upon, a strict respect for meticulous standards of literary form and genuine expression. A master of the cogently reasoned, lucid essay, he wrote only when he felt impelled by a sense of responsibility for the Jewish heritage and for the Jewish future.

Quality not quantity was his keyword for his own work, as for the solution of the Jewish problem. Deeply steeped in the Hebrew prophetic tradition, he felt a close affinity with England and English literature. Of modern thinkers Locke and Hume, Mill and Spencer influenced him as decisively as they had influenced Masaryk. In he settled in London. Though he was then only fifty years old, his work was done. Not in London did he find the cultural atmosphere of that Russian Jewish environment in which he was rooted and of which he was the noblest fruit; and which apparently he needed to feed his spirit.

Nor was he to find it later in Palestine, either. He could not understand that people of Jewish descent and faith could be, by their cultural roots and their free decision, Americans or Italians. This feeling in him was as strong and as unbending as in the Jewish masses of his time: when his daughter married outside the Jewish race she died to him. Yet, as with Masaryk, the survival of his people seemed to him important and justified only through and for the sake of its spiritual heritage and ethical tradition.

These seemed to him almost extinguished after three thousand years. To rekindle them was the goal and meaning of his nationalism, of his love of Zion. It made him unpopular within his own people, and unpopular he remained, as the prophets had been in their days. In his modesty he would never compare himself to them, yet it was as their disciple and for their sake that he was a Jewish nationalist.

He demanded the survival of the Jewish people with every fiber of his heart, but in the fullness of his mind he knew that it was desirable and even practicable only if the Jews did not become like other peoples. Therein he disagreed fundamentally with the Zionists. Their nationalism seemed to him based upon an overestimation of quantity and power, of numbers and speed, so characteristic of the nationalism in the era of nationalistic conflicts in the years after He knew the means determine the end and the foundations define the strength of the structure.

Like all ethical theorists, he was modest as regards the goal and exacting about the means. To create a small state, based upon power and diplomatic favors, would not add a glorious chapter to Jewish history but would undermine the historical basis of Jewish existence.

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Just like carrying extra weight, the risk increases as a person moves further from a healthy weight. While too much fat is harmful, we all need some fat for good health. It provides us with cushioning and insulation from the cold. The body also needs fat to make body cells and hormones. Fat is a store for some vitamins and minerals and is vital for your nerves to work properly. If you're concerned about a loved one who is underweight, or for more information about eating disorders and where to seek help, please visit www.

It's what's inside that counts. What is toxic fat? Carrying extra weight increases our risk of developing: Type 2 diabetes Heart disease Certain cancers including cancers of the oesophagus, pancreas, bowel and breast Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease It also increases the chance of developing high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, gout, impaired fertility, lower back pain, osteoarthritis and many other health problems.

Am I at risk? The researchers also classified the patients into two groups: those born before , when most of these chemical compounds were still widely used, and those born after. The first group contained 17 people and the second group contained nine.

The results showed that the patients born before started the study with roughly 5 times higher serum levels of most of the PCBs, as well as higher levels of organochlorine pesticides, compared to the patients born after During the six months of weight loss after surgery—in which the patients lost an average of 23 percent of their initial weight, or nearly 30 kg each—both groups of patients tended to show increases in serum levels of fat-stored toxicants. For example, in the older patients, serum levels of most PCBs went up by 15 to 25 percent for every 10 kg of lost weight.

The older patients, who started with higher baseline serum levels of most toxicants, and presumably had much greater fat stores of these compounds, tended to have higher rates of increases in serum levels per unit of lost weight, especially for PCBs.

The researchers note that studies with larger populations need to be done to verify the findings in this small-sample study. Further research, they add, could also determine if there are any biological effects, especially on sensitive, fat-rich organs such as the liver and brain, of the toxicant doses involved. At the same time, the data might suggest that people should lose weight more slowly, or that we should somehow find ways to trap these compounds as they are released into the blood.

We also need to recognize that the compounds released from the fat represent lifetime accumulation of toxicants, and we need to address these life course exposures to determine health risk. Weight-loss surgery may release toxic compounds from fat into the bloodstream Study finds that toxic, man-made chemicals that are stored in fat cells may be released into the bloodstream after bariatric surgery. Credit: Getty Images. Posted in Health Tagged obesity. Share on Twitter.

Share on Facebook. The silver lining? Obesity is reversible. Research has found that once people get to the point where obesity has led to diabetes, hypertension or coronary disease, they can begin reversing these conditions by losing 5 to 10 percent of their body weight.

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Synonyms and related words. To be different from something. To be, or to become obvious or noticeable. To be important, or to give something importance.

To be very good or impressive. Thesaurus Trending Words blue movie. Synonyms of the month gift. Browse more. Most of the men leaped up, caught hold of spears or knives, and rushed out. Liszt looked at it, and to her fright and dismay cried out in a fit of impatience, "No, I won't hear it!

The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them. Squinty could look out, but the slats were as close together as those in a chicken coop, and the little pig could not get out. Protrude, project, as in Those reliefs stand out from the building walls. Be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent, as in He's so tall that he always stands out in a crowd. Refuse to comply, remain opposed, as in The one juror is standing out against a guilty verdict.

Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Love words? Need even more definitions? Just between us: it's complicated. Ask the Editors 'Everyday' vs. What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'?

How 'literally' can mean "figuratively". Literally How to use a word that literally drives some pe Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice? The awkward case of 'his or her'. Take the quiz. Our Favorite New Words How many do you know?

In simpler words, with a Shimano reel that has these two features, you can increase how far you cast without exerting yourself.

For example, if you are using a mono line for a Shimano Baitrunner reel, you can get a line that is yds long with 12 lb test or a yds long line that can withstand a 15lb test. Similarly, if you prefer braid and are using say a Shimano AERO Technium reel, you can get a 60 yds long line that can withstand a 40lb test or a yds line that can withstand a 50lb test. The Hagane design concept in Shimano reels ensures that they can withstand consistent use and extreme abuse in the toughest of conditions.

The strength and durability of the Hagane gearing, efficient power transmission of the X-Ship technology, and the rigid body of the reel maintains this concept in every reel. All of these benefits come together to eliminate body flexing, which in turn translates into more cranking power. Shimano offers a two-year warranty for its reels, which is effective from the date of purchase.

However, it does not cover reels that are damaged because of neglect or wear and tear caused by lack of maintenance, if the serial number is removed, accidents, improper repair, modification, incorrect assembly, and other abnormal uses. A: This can happen because of a lack of lubrication or damaged gears. Send the reel in for repairs to have this fixed. A: Wind the line on the spool correctly to prevent this. Use a bucket of water when adding the line to allow the spool line to rotate freely and reduce unnecessary wrapping.

A: The reel that gives you the performance you need according to the type of fish you want to catch. A: Spinning reels are great for reducing the chance of birdnesting when casting. They also can have solid drag stopping power.

This article contains incorrect information. This article is missing information that I need. Check Current Price. Shimano spinning reels are battle-tested. Source: D LY3D. Johanes Godoy Editor. Sushmita Lo Editor. Did this article help you?

Handle Double on Body Material Cold forged aluminium. Calcutta D Widely regarded as the strongest and most reliable high-speed baitcasting multiplier, with a reputation spanning back over 20 years.

The Catana RC is a rear-drag spinning reel. Extra Spool Yes. Handle Single handle. Body Material Diecast aluminium. Spool Material Duraluminium. Corvalus A compact left-hand casting reel with built in level-wind suitable for many different lure fishing styles. Spool Material Diecasted aluminium. Handle Single handled machined aluminium. Fliegen SD This eye-catching surf reel is designed to be both light and strong. Body Material Aluminium.

Models HG. Handle Single power handle. Line Lay -. Sahara FI The new Sahara is a powerful spinning reel with unparalleled durability at its price point. Models , , , , Sahara RD The Sahara RD is a versatile reel that can be used for many freshwater angling purposes, wether it is lure fishing for pike or match fishing for bream.

Family Type Heavy Duty Spinning. Socorro SW The Socorro SW is sure to appeal to the price conscious angler who does not want to compromise of demanding applications in the saltwater environment.

Spool Material Cold forged aluminium double E. Extra Spool 1 x XT Models , , S, S. Bearings 4. Family Type Multiplier. Handle Single aluminium power handle. TLD The iconic Shimano lever drag multiplier reel used all around the world in both fresh and saltwater. Bearings 1. Handle Single steel power handle. TR The TR level wind reel, is a no nonsense, reliable offshore reel that provides exceptional value for money. TR LD Charter Special A no nonsense manual lever clutch multiplier, designed to be put through its paces in a saltwater environment.

Bearings 6. Spool Material Diecast aluminium with E. Talica Based upon a narrow body principle which equals less weight, smaller dimensions and easier handling than equivalent lever drag multipliers, Talica is truly a high-speed dream machine. Body Material Machined aluminium.

Bearings Tiagra Shimano's Tiagra range are the worldwide market leader in Big Game Reels and are renowned for their reliability when target he biggest fish, year after year. Handle Cold forged aluminium single handle. Torium A A small body combined with a high capacity make this star drag multiplier perfect for targeting bigger species.

Tranx A The totally new Tranx is designed as a 'working machine for big fish'. Tyrnos This aluminium framed lever drag reel is available in single and 2-speed versions and has built up a trusted reputation amongst serious boat anglers.

Maintenance Port Yes. Extra Spool 2 spare spools , 2 spare spools Models 50, Spool Material Diecasted Aluminium. It is a unique reel of its kind, made up from Shimano newest, ground breaking technology when it comes to aid casting distance.

Homepage Saltwater reels. Family Type Spinning. Extra Spool No. Models , , , , , , Models , Waterproof Drag Yes. Exsence The new Exsence is made using the newest high-end materials and technologies, resulting in a light weight but immensely strong reel. Models , , , Body Material XT Models , , , , , Line Lay Aerowrap II. Spool Material Cold Forged Aluminum. Waterproof Drag YES. Handle Screw in machine cut aluminum.

Vanford The new VANFORD is the go-to reel when it comes down to finesse- and sensitive fishing applications in freshwater and saltwater inshore environments.

Models , , Body Material Aluminium. Twinpower FD Twin Power has always been synonym of strength and reliability, and the new FD model is once again raising the quality standards for the spinning reels of its category. Maintenance Port Yes body. Extra Spool 0. Models XSB. Waterproof Drag No. Handle Single machined aluminium. Line Lay Varispeed. Family Type Freespool. The saltwater safe, magnesium Hagane Body offers rigidity and all-day comfort. By combining Shimano's water-repellent coating and our specially designed, water channeling, labyrinth construction, X-Protect provides high-level water resistance without sacrificing light gear and rotor rotation.

Starting with the same best-in-class features that made its predecessor incredibly tough, Twin Power FD now features MicroModule Gear II and Silent Drive for incredible smoothness at micro-tolerance levels. One of the strongest in the MagnumLite series of spinning reels, Shimano engineered the new Sustain series of spinning reels to conquer the toughest of any inshore or freshwater species. Sustain is packed with a long list of high-end features which translates to serious performance.

From bass to small billfish, Sustain is built with the power and rigidity to handle a wide variety of fishing challenges while maintaining the refinement and light rotation that Sustain is known for. Striking good looks, lightweight with a solid feel, and an ultra smooth reeling experience combine to win the hearts of anglers around the globe. The new Ultegra Series spinning reels include a Hagane Gear for incredible durability, X-Ship technology for increased smoothness and efficiency, Aero Wrap Oscillation for perfect line winding and longer casting, and CoreProtect for water resistance without a heavy rotation feeling.

To the fisherman, these features work together to create a reel that responds quickly and positively in a wide variety of fishing situations.

If you look to the East coast of Greece on a map you will see the Aegean Sea. This is where the majority of the Greek islands can be found. The Greek islands are broken down into clusters and six of these seven clusters can be found in the Aegean.

The Aegean is home to the famous islands of Santorini and Mykonos in the Cyclades. Because this sea surrounding Greece is so rich in beautiful island destinations it might be the perfect place to begin your exploration. Like many place names in Greece, their origin can be traced back to ancient times.

Many of which you can still visit today. He threw himself into the sea and drowned upon thinking that his son had died. The Ionian Sea is the sea surrounding Greece on the Western side of the country. This is where you will find a cluster of islands , aptly named the Ionian Islands. This sea in Greece is also home to the deepest part of the Mediterranean, called Calyspo Deep. Here the sea reaches a depth of 5, m.

The Ionian Islands also known as Eptanisa include seven main islands. These beautiful islands dot the Ionian Sea that surrounds western Greece. Here there is plenty of lush greenery, Italian influences, and fertile lands. To the east, between mountain spurs, lie the plains of Thessaly and to the southeast, Boeotia and Attica. The southern part of the mainland, located south of the Gulf of Corinth, is a large, irregularly shaped peninsula called the Peloponnese.

With an area of 21, square kilometers 8, square miles , it is connected to Attica by an isthmus that is only 6. Although mountainous, it has a narrow coastal plain around its entire periphery.

Greece is bounded on the west by the Ionian Sea, on the south by the Mediterranean, and on the east by the Aegean Sea, an arm of the Mediterranean. The Corinth Canal cuts through the isthmus connecting the Peloponnese to the rest of the Greek mainland, linking the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf and making the Peloponnese technically an island.

Numerous other gulfs and straits separate Greece's islands and peninsulas in the Aegean, Mediterranean, and Ionian Seas. Greece's major island regions are the Ionian Islands, which hug the western coast from Albania to the Peloponnese; the Aegean Islands, scattered about the sea of the same name; and Crete, which separates the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

Crete, the site of the first European civilization, is the largest of the Greek islands and the fifth-largest Mediterranean island, with an area of 8, square kilometers 3, square miles. The coast of the Greek peninsula is mostly rocky, although there are some strips of lowland along the shore. The most distinctive formation along the coast of the Greek mainland is the Chalcidice Chalkidhiki Peninsula in northern Greece, from which three narrow, smaller peninsulas jut into the Aegean.

Farther to the east, the Thracian coastline is generally smooth and uniform. The coast of central Greece has deeply indented bays about halfway down its length on both the east and west and is also indented to the south. The coast of the Peloponnese has good harbors and includes some plains areas.

Lake Vistonis in western Thrace, although called a lake, is actually a lagoon. Another major lake is Lake Trichonida near the southern end of the Pindus Mountains. Greece has relatively few rivers. Those it does have are short, and none are commercially navigable.

With a total length of kilometers miles , the Evros is the country's longest river. It forms part of Greece's border with Bulgaria in the north as well as its border with Turkey in the east. The most extensive plains in Greece are found at the mouths of the Struma and Nestos Rivers in the northern part of the country and in Thessaly, whose lowlands constitute the country's most fertile farmland.

Attica is mountainous in the north but levels off to plains that extend from Athens to the end of the peninsula. Fertile lowlands are also found in the alluvial plains of the Peloponnese. Greece's terrain is generally rugged, with mountain ranges and their spurs running northwest to southeast through much of the mainland. Altogether, mountains cover four-fifths of Greece.

Categorized in: Greek Travel Guide. Our unbiased and informative travel articles are designed review the popular cities, islands and places in Greece.

We are not always able to exactly match the photos to the destinations, but we do try to get close. However, we are not looking for photo submissions at this time.

If you find something in a Greek travel article that is not accurate based on your personal experience, please send us an email to greekboston worldwidegreeks. Thanks for reading the travel section at GreekBoston. Share this Greek Travel Article:. Visiting the Corinth Canal Sep 14th, Lounge on Armenistis Beach in Halkidiki Sep 01st,

Ride-on mowers allow you to attach accessories such as trailers, broadening their range of use. You'll also need to get your ride-on lawn mower serviced annually. Cons of ride-on lawn mowers:. See our guide on how to buy the best ride-on mower. A robot mower isn't cheap, but it makes mowing hassle free.

Once installed, it will mow your lawn with little input from you, cutting regularly and mulching clippings back into the lawn so there are no clippings to deal with. Use your robot mower during daylight to reduce the risk to wildlife. Some models are capable of cutting lawns that are 5,sq m and more, making them a great alternative to a ride-on or petrol lawn mower. Pricier robots will usually have more advanced features, like smartphone compatibility, weather monitoring and mapping.

Cons of robot lawn mowers:. Read our handy guide to robot mowers to find out if automated mowing is for you. Or see our robot lawn mower reviews. One thing to consider before buying any type of lawn mower is how easy it will be to get replacement parts if you encounter any issues. You can expect most mowers to last a decent amount of time at least seven years or more but that doesn't mean you'll never need spare blades, springs, or perhaps a replacement mower belt.

Most major mower retailers such as Bosch, Cobra, Flymo, Ryobi and Stihl offer spare parts for their lawn mowers, either directly from their website or through a third-party seller. It's always worth checking on the availability of spare parts before you commit to a purchase, as you don't want a minor fault to end up in you replacing your entire mower because you can't get hold of a certain part. With cordless mowers specifically you should check to make sure it's possible to buy replacement batteries separately.

We don't give Best Buys to models where the batteries can't be replaced, so will never recommend a mower that's destined to have an unusually short lifespan. A local-garden machinery specialist may be able to service and repair your mower, especially petrol models, so always check before you discard a mower that seems to be broken.

The price you pay for a new lawn mower will ultimately depend on what type of mower it is. Our expert tests prove you don't need to spend big to get your hands on a Best Buy lawn mower. Often, if you spend more on a lawn mower you're paying for certain features rather than guaranteed better performance. These can include:. As is the case with most products, price is very rarely an indication of how 'good' your lawn mower actually is.

There's no way of knowing for definite how well it will cut your grass until you put it to the test in your garden. If you're trying to stick to a budget, though, don't feel like you need to fork out money you don't have to land yourself a reliable model. In other respects, the manufacturer went all-out to equip this mower: variable rear-wheel drive speed from. On that last point, the mower is not really side discharge in that the chute does not mount on the side of the deck and discharge to the side, rather it mounts on the rear and discharges to the side.

We did notice considerable clumping in this mode; it's not the mower's strong suit. On the other hand, it bags well, even with the mulching blade. Rounding out its features are its easily-adjusted single-lever control of deck height. It delivers a tremendous cut area with its two 6 Ah batteries providing a total of 12 Ah of capacity, and it's X-shaped blade leaves a pristine surface in its wake.

Ryobi estimates the design should provide 70 minutes of run time; we didn't time our cut, we just measured it, but it strikes as plausible. Its rear wheel drive and reasonably aggressive tread pattern provide good hill climbing and sidehill cutting performance and its bagging on all surfaces level, sidehill and uphill is also commendable. Its other ease of use features include an easily installed or removed bag thatmounts and dismounts straight up and down through the handl.

Adjusting deck height is easy with single-lever deck height adjustment; the straight-edge deck is polypropylene and will never rust and needs very little care other than basic cleaning. This is a beauty of a mower, with a cast-aluminum deck and a smooth-running Honda GCV engine. The has 7. Other features we like include its handle that folds forward and a high-quality grass bag that loads through the handle, from the top.

And those were amply demonstrated in this spring's test as the Toro turned in the best ratio of cut area per amp hour of battery in the self-propelled category while at the same time not skimping on cut quality, mulch quality and bagging.

We attribute this outstanding mower performance to three features, all upgrades to the previous version of this machine. First, the air vent at the front of the mower deck seems to improve mulching and bagging performance. Toro calls it Vortex technology, a design to increase air flow in the same way as a hood scoop on a car.

The company says it helps the grass stand straighter under the mower and the clippings to be suspended longer for more thorough mulching, but it also helps airflow into the bag. We can't verify that, but we can say our results indicate the design is successful. Finally, the 3-phase volt motor appears to be exceptionally efficient, resulting in a large cut area for a single battery.

Toro has, wisely, not altered some of the previous features that make this mowe work: rear wheel drive, a one-piece deck that's all steel no plastic nose , rear wheel drive, inch wheels to help it roll over roots and crevices, and the same fold-forward handle that was an industry breakthrough when it was introduced some years ago.

It exhibits good workmanship, with neatly stamped and formed parts, and there was no miscellaneous junk in the box. The mower has two-lever height adjustment to make tweaking the deck height easier than if it had four levers. And we like its inch rear tires, always a good feature if you have to roll over washboard surfaces. Note that the Home Depot site says the MNA is currently out of stock, so it might be worth heading to your local physical store to see if they have it.

Cutting width: 20 in. Voltage: 40 Cut area per charge: 11, square feet. We were pleasantly surprised by this little walk mower's cut area and its overall performance. Its cut quality and mulching are quite good for an inexpensive mower, and it's bagging ability is what we describe as middle of the road suitable for this class of product, but nowhere near a Toro, Honda or Cub Cadet.

That'sthe second year in a row that this new brand has given a good account for itself. Unlike last year's mower which was rear wheel drive, this year's version is a push mower and this explains the large cut area.

No battery charge is diverted to the drive system, enabling the little white mower to cut, and cut, and cut some more. The lack of a drive system is not a big deal on level ground because the mower with bag and battery only weighs This helps you dictate the height of the grass, and leave it longer in autumn or during dry periods. Cutting height ranges are usually 20mm to 60mm — see my section on proper mowing technique below for advice. If you want the striped lawn finish you see on football pitches, you need a lawnmower with a rear roller.

The heavier the mower and its roller, the longer your stripes will last. If you have lots of lawn edges, it is worth looking for a model that can cut right up to the edge. Generally cylinder blades or versions with rear rollers are better at this. Any mower with inset front wheels or a grass collection comb is also great for mowing edges — no need to go back round with a strimmer. Robot lawn mowers are becoming more commonplace these days.

The technology is getting better all the time and they can now recognise obstacles and lawn edges. And they are a lot more affordable, though still not cheap. Robot lawnmowers are for you if you really, really hate mowing the lawn. There is some set-up involved as you have to lay a perimeter wire. Then just leave the mower to get on with cutting.

Now you have the best lawnmower, you need to get your mowing technique sorted too. A great-looking lawn needs a regular mowing regime that encourages the grasses to develop fine leaves. It also keeps the growth lush and dense, and stops weeds and moss spreading. The single biggest mistake most people make when cutting the lawn is to cut too low. For normal lawns that get wear and foot traffic, keep the grass around 5cm high. Always remove leaves and grass clippings after mowing and feed the lawn in spring and autumn with special lawn fertiliser.

Make sure you choose the right one — spring feeds encourage leafy growth and autumn mixtures build stronger roots. How to revitalise your lawn and get greener grass. Top 8 lawn care tips for spring. How to care for your lawn in autumn and winter. How to save time on garden upkeep. This was such an interesting read, am helping a friend do some gardening and will be renting an electric lawnmower from Fat Lama.

Great tips on avoiding scalping the grass, will definitely make sure we bear that in mind! So, I liked that you pointed out that can make a huge problem later on with the mower. I wonder if riding mowers will be easier to clean than a push one. I like that you mention that most lawnmowers have adjustable cutting heights, so it opens up your options when looking for one. I just moved to a new home and the yard is a lot bigger than the one at my old home.

There really is a lot to consider when buying a lawn mower, but I particularly like that the article brings up cutting height and width.

Thank you for the post on how to choose the right lawnmower. I definitely like the idea of having a battery powered mower that you can charge and use. You could save on gas that way but you want to be sure whichever you get can handle the grass in your yard.

Your article had some great tips for choosing a lawn mower, and I really liked how you said to consider a cordless mower, as this functions like an electric without the cord. We made this observation using an older version of the StaySharp that was capable of throwing grass out of only the front of the blades; however, the current version, which was released in spring , can throw the grass both forward and backward, so this may be less of a problem. The Fiskars reel mower has a more complicated mechanism than other models do, as it uses a chain drive to connect the turning of the wheels to the blades.

You can change the height with a single lever, and it can adjust between 1 inch and 4 inches, the largest range of any mower we looked at. Through our long-term testing of the Fiskars, we revealed that it might not be the best choice for a particularly small lawn.

The blades will still dull eventually from cutting grass or hitting branches and other obstacles. You should also pay attention to the blade adjustment, which can shift over time. With most reel mowers, the spinning blades pass over a stationary bed knife, which is where the actual cutting happens. The adjustment is easy, and usually involves just a couple of set screws, depending on the model.

Even with proper adjustment, however, the blades will need sharpening after a few seasons American Lawn Mower sells a sharpening kit. In , we found a number of new models, but none of them matched the width and overall features of the Scotts or the cutting height of the Fiskars. These included the Great States Corp. The Earthwise 18 in. The Scotts has seven. The Great States Inch Standard Full Feature Push Reel Mower is the only mower in our test group that requires unbolting to adjust the mowing height—all the others allow adjustments via levers.

In our tests it was such a pain to adjust that the golf crew hated it before they mowed a single blade of grass with it. Worse, it had a tendency to bounce when it encountered even slightly rough terrain, causing inconsistent cutting. While rough ground is a challenge for any reel mower, the Lee Valley model bounced all over the place.

Fiskars makes several variants of the StaySharp Max, such as the inch StaySharp Plus , that are essentially smaller, downgraded versions. Jason Kruse, assistant professor of environmental horticulture at the University of Florida , interview. Doug Mahoney is a senior staff writer at Wirecutter covering home improvement. He spent 10 years in high-end construction as a carpenter, foreman, and supervisor.

He lives in a very demanding year-old farmhouse and spent four years gutting and rebuilding his previous home. He also raises sheep and has a dairy cow that he milks every morning. Our pick. Scotts Inch Classic Push Reel Lawn Mower For the healthiest grass The Scotts makes the cleanest cut, has the widest cutting path, and jams the least of any reel mower, and its unusually tall 3-inch max cutting height makes it more versatile for different grass types.

Also great. Everything we recommend. Why you should trust us. Who should get a reel mower.

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A flamingo-friendly trend was the sameness of post-World War II construction. Units in new subdivisions sometimes looked virtually identical. That soon changed. Sears eventually dropped the tchotchkes from its catalog. As early as the s, pop artists including Andy Warhol and Claes Oldenburg had begun elevating the low brow and embracing mass culture.

By the mids, the flamingos were transitioning from a working-class accessory to an elaborate upper-class inside joke. They furnished colorful substitutes for croquet wickets and clever themes for charity galas. Waters got tired of it and gradually gave away his flamingo collection. In their yard near Leominster, Nancy and Don Featherstone typically tend a flock of 57 a nod to the creation year that neighborhood college students feel compelled to thin.

More information is available at her website: abigailtucker.

These standards development organizations will work with their partner telecommunications companies and other groups over the next several years to determine which technologies to include in their ITU proposals at the end of the decade. The international technical standard is not the only regulatory task associated with 5G.

National regulators around the globe must also set aside radio airwaves, called spectrum, to accommodate 5G. The ITU is expected to identify 5G frequencies at the next conference in after reaching agreement among its members. In October , the FCC adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking to license specific radio frequencies for 5G wireless broadband. FCC Chairman Wheeler believes that the United States should not wait for a common technical standard before allocating spectrum.

Instead, he suggests the FCC should make specific radio frequencies available and let private sector companies produce the best technical standard for the allotted frequencies.

Pai argues that the FCC should allocate as many frequencies for 5G as possible until a global standard crystalizes. The upcoming fights over standards and spectrum mean that the next few years could be somewhat of a free-for-all for 5G wireless technology until the ITU adopts a standard. Sprint offers a cautionary tale from the current generation. Sprint picked the wrong standard and is now spending millions of dollars trying to catch up.

All 2G and 2. All 3G Features plus:. The industry moves towards expansion of the number of 4G compatible devices. It is set to find its way to tens of different mobile devices not restricted to 4G phones or laptops. There are published specifications for the development of following gadgets aimed to add 4G connectivity.

The trend is to provide wireless internet access to every portable device that could supply and incorporate the 4G embedded modules. The 4G technology could not only provide internet broadband connectivity but also a high level of security that is beneficial to devices that incorporate financial transactions such as vending machines and billing devices. The following are the companies, 4G cellular phone carriers and manufacturers, currently deploying or are planning to deploy 4G networks.

The 4G cities or states indicated in the parenthesis are where the carriers are implementing the network to increase 4G availability. While LTE networks have not been commercially deployed yet, it is predicted to have lower cost per bit since it does not need to lay new infrastructure like WiMAX did. Japan does have 4G wireless networks, but most of it is not commercially deployed yet. WiMAX first commercial deployment in Japan had just started in July , following the 5 month trial period.

The Mobile Broadband Standard. The discussions that led to the signing of the 3GPP Project Agreement were recorded in a series of slides called the "Partnership Project Description" PowerPoint that describes the basic principles and ideas on which the project is based. The document has not been maintained since its first creation, but the principles within do still remain valid. Backward Compatibility The major focus for all 3GPP Releases is to make the system backwards and forwards compatible where possible, to ensure that the operation of user equipment is uninterrupted.

Full Meeting Calendar. Face to face meetings have been suspended for the time being.

Your boats are in the Western half of your accursed city I believe, next to the troll emissaries we sent to negotiate peace, which you refuse to listen too. From Ironforge it is not a short ride to Menethil Harbor. You have to go through Loch Modan through wetlands. I recommend getting a ride from someone with a passenger flyer. Ironforge is not a port. Do not take the boat to Theramore, take the one to Northrend.

When you get there you will have 3 flight points, if you want to do the other zone on the opposite end of the continent. No worse than the automatic directions that tell you to go to your capital city and take a portal when your destination is only a block away from where you are. Go to the Stormwind portal room and take the portal to Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest. Movie info. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account?

Edit this page. History Talk A boat in Stranglethorn Vale. Boat leaving Theramore. Please see WoWWiki:Citation for information on how to add citations. Categories Articles needing citations Transportation Game terms Boats. RDF feed. Patch date. Universal Conquest Wiki. Hate ads? The two Alliance Naval ships floating south of Odesyus' Landing. The high elven ship buried on the southern part of Silvermyst Isle.

The sunken transport ship nearby Ratchet. Gelkak Gyromast's wrecked high elven ship in northern Darkshore. Elura's wrecked high elven ship below the docks of Auberdine. The two Theramore deserter ships, one docked in town at the farthest dock, the other moored on a tiny island southeast of Theramore Isle. The sunken Alliance warship southwest of Nat's Landing. It is crawling with makrura.

The pair of ships in the distance off the eastern coast. They appear to be a pirate ship and an Alliance ship in service to the Goblins firing cannons at each other. Both are on fire. The elven destroyer wreck lying very close to the Spirit of Silverpine. The docked blood elf ship belonging to Captain Kelisendra.

Hecklebury Smotts ' first ship lying in the ocean, west of Grom'gol Base Camp , next to Smotts' Revenge , his second ship. A sunken high elven destroyer west of Grom'gol Base Camp. The seven crashed boats lining the shore, including one lying on very deep water.

The Alliance command, including Highlord Bolvar Fordragon and King Varian Wrynn, were stationed on top of the walls overlooking the harbor below. In Patch 5. Where do the boats go in Stormwind?

Payment: PayPal, Skrill, Cryptocurrencies. Lighthouse Stormwind Harbor lighthouse A short distance from mainland, just off the coast and north of the shipyard, the harbor lighthouse is located. The Gate The content behind the Gate in Stormwind Harbor is currently unknown, although it is most likely just another boat.

In the early 17 th century, the Dutch began to establish trading agreements in present-day Indonesian Borneo, gaining a monopoly of the spice trade in Banjarmasin as well as the diamond trade in Sambas.

They also made a contract with Pontianak. Gradually the Dutch took control of all of what is now Indonesian Borneo but failed to regain control after Japanese forces overran the island during World War II. When Indonesia achieved independence in , Indonesian Borneo became the five Indonesian provinces of Kalimantan. The Sultanate of Brunei now Brunei Darussalam ruled from its base on the northwest coast of Borneo from the 14 th century.

It is famous amongst tourists for its lovely riverfront. The Malay villages, golden-domed Mosque as well as colonial architecture make it beautiful.

Kuching is also nicknamed the Cat City. It has a cat museum and many cat monuments scattered all around it. Perfect for the cat lovers. The second Malaysian province in Borneo is Sabah, at the northern tip of the island. Similarly to Sarawak, it has an equatorial climate, with two monsoon seasons. Its landscape is very diverse. It has rivers, seaside, mountains and rainforests. There are many more national parks in the state, as it has a very diverse flora and fauna, often endemic to Borneo.

Some of the biggest and most beautiful cities in Sabah are Kota Kinabalu, where the formation of Malaysia took place, Sandakan, near the Sepilok orangutan rehabilitation centre, Tawau, Kudat, and Semporna. The only state entirely on Borneo is the Sultanate of Brunei.

Despite it covering only 1 percent of the island, it is a very wealthy state thanks to its natural resources. The country is a monarchy following the English common law, but also the shariah law. Once, the Bruneian Empire controlled almost the entire Borneo as well as some of the nearby islands. However, it started losing territory in the 19th century and is now left with a rather small piece of land. Brunei got back its independence from the United Kingdom in In next years the country experienced a rapid economic growth becoming an industrialised country.

Its wealth comes from its petroleum and natural gas fields. Forbes even ranks Brunei as the fifth-richest nation in the World. What country is on the coast of Borneo?

What country is borneo in? What are the Asian countries that lie on equator? What two countries occupy the Horn of Africa?

What 3 countries own borneo? What countries are near Borneo? How many countries occupy Europe? The countries of Indonesia and Malaysia and and Brunei share what large island? The countries of Central America occupy? People also asked. What bodies of water do the Indus Ganges and Brahmaputra empty? View results. What countries border the Yellow Sea? What far eastern countries border India? What main river flows through Indochina? Which six far eastern countries are located mainly on islands?

Study Guides. Trending Questions. What is the fourth element of the periodic table of elements? What is a song that everyone likes but won't admit it? What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left hand? Still have questions? Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. In , the British colonies of Sabah and Sarawak, on the island of Borneo, joined the Malaysian federation. Brunei was also invited to join, but declined, and would remain a British protectorate until , when it became independent.

It is safe to say, however, that the vast natural resources that Borneo harbors are both a blessing and a curse. For instance, agricultural activity on the island has led to rapid deforestation as forests are cleared so that the land can be used to cultivate crops. Such crops include rice, sago, tobacco, millet, coconuts, pepper, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, coffee, rubber, and palm oil.

The cultivation of palm oil in particular is blamed for much of the deforestation in Borneo. Oil palm is the most productive oil seed in the world. The fact that a single hectare of oil palm can produce 5, kilograms of crude oil, or nearly 6, liters of crude, makes it very profitable to grow it on large plantations. Another important industry in Borneo that contributes to deforestation on the island is logging.

Thus, logging has become very popular on the island. Mining is another important industry on the island of Borneo. Coal, for example, has been mined on the island for more than a century. Gold has also been mined on the island for a long time.

Other mineral resources include silver, diamonds, bauxite, tin, and copper. Borneo, and Brunei in particular, also has a sizable oil and gas sector. In fact, Brunei is one of the biggest oil producers in Southeast Asia.

Where Is Borneo? Map showing the location of Borneo in Southeast Asia. Jason Shvili August 20 in Landforms.