Which toxins are stored in fat

Just like carrying extra weight, the risk increases as a person moves further from a healthy weight. While too much fat is harmful, we all need some fat for good health. It provides us with cushioning and insulation from the cold. The body also needs fat to make body cells and hormones. Fat is a store for some vitamins and minerals and is vital for your nerves to work properly. If you're concerned about a loved one who is underweight, or for more information about eating disorders and where to seek help, please visit www.

It's what's inside that counts. What is toxic fat? Carrying extra weight increases our risk of developing: Type 2 diabetes Heart disease Certain cancers including cancers of the oesophagus, pancreas, bowel and breast Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease It also increases the chance of developing high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, gout, impaired fertility, lower back pain, osteoarthritis and many other health problems.

Am I at risk? The researchers also classified the patients into two groups: those born before , when most of these chemical compounds were still widely used, and those born after. The first group contained 17 people and the second group contained nine.

The results showed that the patients born before started the study with roughly 5 times higher serum levels of most of the PCBs, as well as higher levels of organochlorine pesticides, compared to the patients born after During the six months of weight loss after surgery—in which the patients lost an average of 23 percent of their initial weight, or nearly 30 kg each—both groups of patients tended to show increases in serum levels of fat-stored toxicants. For example, in the older patients, serum levels of most PCBs went up by 15 to 25 percent for every 10 kg of lost weight.

The older patients, who started with higher baseline serum levels of most toxicants, and presumably had much greater fat stores of these compounds, tended to have higher rates of increases in serum levels per unit of lost weight, especially for PCBs.

The researchers note that studies with larger populations need to be done to verify the findings in this small-sample study. Further research, they add, could also determine if there are any biological effects, especially on sensitive, fat-rich organs such as the liver and brain, of the toxicant doses involved. At the same time, the data might suggest that people should lose weight more slowly, or that we should somehow find ways to trap these compounds as they are released into the blood.

We also need to recognize that the compounds released from the fat represent lifetime accumulation of toxicants, and we need to address these life course exposures to determine health risk. Weight-loss surgery may release toxic compounds from fat into the bloodstream Study finds that toxic, man-made chemicals that are stored in fat cells may be released into the bloodstream after bariatric surgery. Credit: Getty Images. Posted in Health Tagged obesity. Share on Twitter.

Share on Facebook. The silver lining? Obesity is reversible. Research has found that once people get to the point where obesity has led to diabetes, hypertension or coronary disease, they can begin reversing these conditions by losing 5 to 10 percent of their body weight.

While weight loss may feel overwhelming, small changes have a snowball effect and can motivate you to keep pursuing your health goals. Obesity is preventable. Even a small change can make a difference. Here are some changes can you make to drop pounds for better health: Get fit:. Choose the best calorie-burning activities for you. Squeeze exercise into even the busiest days Eat healthy:. Try fresh new recipes.

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