I am getting ready to go in for HSG once I complete the medication that creates a bleed. I was just wondering if you had normal periods or if the flushing started your period for you to help you conceive? At a time my estrogen ws low then i took bromocriptine and it increased but follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone are now low.
Doc told me I have pcos I desperately want something to work the hsg test, Clomid medications something I just want a baby of my own. Praise the Lord that we all conceive. I want to b prepared. I just did my hsg test today! Both tubes was blocked for me but during the test my right tube showed some light flow of the dye! So it somewhat flushed out my tube, that was some good and hopeful news…The radiologist also told me that there are a lot of women that get pregnant after the Hsg and now cause the tubes are slick in the inside due to the dye and sperm can flow through more easily, So my next steps will probably be getting a laparoscopic done Which is to surgically remove the remaining blockage!
I feel very hopeful and pray I will soon become pregnant. Am Sandra, 29old,5 years in marriage but not I child, today am hope full after flashing fallopian tube, I believe now I will geet child. Thank u. My name is ursula. I have been trying to conceive since 2yrs now.
I have a 4yrs old daughter. I have pcos since then i have been placed on clomid but pregnancy is not coming. Now i went for tubual flushing HSG test yesterday. I pray to get a positive result in my next in next circle. Reading all the successes story here am hopful and i pray to share mine soon. Keep hope alive. All of this information was very helpful, I truly wish you all the best of luck! With that being said,we have to schedule the HSG, I truly hope this helps us out.
Well after 7years of disappointment my husband and I decided we were going to do IVF. As i am nearing my ovulation day we are hopeful this will be our big chance. Hi, I had a bilateral tubal clipping 5 yrs back which happened by mistake due to my illluck. I am suffering from recurrent implantation failure. I also have a tilted uterus and perhaps a mild form of endometriosis.
I have been told that the lipidol procedure flushing of fallopian tubes by oil really helps to unblock tubes and helps in implantation as it treats endometriosis also.
My contention is — Will it work in my case when my tubes are clipped? I hope things work out well for you. Sarah Chapman [Editor]. My doctor told me to go for ivf, i did and during six mounth the baby came out thus miscarrage. I wanted to go for another one but i was told fibriod has grown in my womb. What should i do? Best wishes, Sarah Chapman [Editor].
Hey girly i had the same thing too and i only have one yes yes do it it will change ur life mines open and i hope ur is too. I have a history of an ectopic pregnancy with tube removed 12 years ago. I can o my think the hycosy must have had something to do with it. This makes me hopeful. I too had recurrent ectopic pregnancies and lost a tube 10 years ago and now actively trying to conceive.
Tubal blockage and Partially blocked. Am much confused, Disappointed. I hate myself caused I and My husband badly need a child. God have mercy on us. Hi I m 28years,and I had my hsg done last cycle and got bad news that I m suffering from hydrosalpinx,which makes pregnancy difficult and the cause of it is endometriosis. Before I went to hsg i read lot about pregnancy after hsg. So I m waiting. Any update I definitely share it. Can clomid help me to increase d chance?
Thank you for your question, but this is something your clinician will need to advise on. Best wishes, Sarah Editor. Now they want me to do IVF which is very expensive and my insurance will not cover it at all.. I had an HSG today. I left in tears. I got pregnant three years ago but miscarried.
So my question is how much is this to have done. True my husband and I have kids from another marriage but we deserve our own family. I need answers. My husband and I been married for 3yrs I never been on birth control and have regular cycles.
We decided to go to a fertility specialist. I got my baseline assessment and everything looks great this far. I have a scheduled HSG tomorrow and I hope that has good results. I have a friend who got pregnant a couple months after the HSG. Keeping my fingers crossed. Will keep an update. Hello I am 39, i had my first son at 22, and have been trying to get pregnant since. In March of i had a HSG done which revealed that my tubes were blocked.
Fast forwarding 2 years i always can hear my doctor say there is no chance. My last period was June 23, I have an appointment with the OB September 17, i think i am pregnant but dont know the possibility, and scared to find out. Meanwhile i have all the symptoms except morning sickness. Is there anyone else who have been through this?
I wish u the best I went for mine September 20, and they said both of my tubes are blocked.. Hope it will work for me again as before. Hi, I have be trying to get conceive for 7years now all to no avail am 27 years of age my doctor recommend hsg test for me of which I did yesterday. And it was really painful I just hope I will get pregnant soon just as I have heard from so many women in this blog that after their hsg they really got pregnant.
I just pray mine to be the same as theirs. Hi am 26 me and my partner have been trying for 6yrs now 2yr after I had my son I noticed my period was not as regular I was going 3 to 4 sometime 6 month with out a period iv have all the test done I thourt it might of been PCOS so I asked my doctor went for the test and it come back normal had my tubes flushed in November and all come back normal I had a period in December and then nothing till march now iv been on for 2weeks and iv never had a period last that long could it be from when I had my tubes flushed.
I was diagnosed with blocked tubes in ,ever since,av tried things like herbal treatment,massage ,exercise but have not yet succeeded,am thinking of repeating hsg and if it fails again i can try surgery though am hoping that its now Gods time for me and for us.
Are you writing about me? Taking serraptease pills found on YouTube this is so draining. Sounds like my story. I just turned Been trying for over 8 years been married almost Just had hsg test. This is a new doc. I like her a lot.
For an appt… and here I am. Fingers crossed! I fell pregnant after 3 months and have an 18 old boy now. I was trying for three years prior to this. I just had my hsg test today i have pcos i been trying since so i know what u ladies are going through i been married since we try and try hopefully this hsg works.
Im 25 of age and been trying to get pregnant for the last two years. I had it done on June 6th , it was so painful! Everything I read said slight discomfort and I ended up clenching my fists. It felt like severe period cramps and so much pressure. They also said everyone is different. Had mine done was scheduled for 3 rounds the first was so painful like several period cramps doc told me its because the tubes are blocked the second was the next week and the pain was still thier but not as the first was told the tubes now open waiting for the 3rd which is next week its well.
I have not yet tried to conceive, however will try closer to the end of the month as thats when my ovulation period is. I hope it will work out for me as it is my desire. I pray so for you and wish sane for me as a 40 years old lady and praying to God to bless me with a child after 18 years.
We have been trying for 4yrs and nothing. So went for my hsg test 6 days ago. So we are trying to concieve again this month. So many positive stories about this hsg test. Same here! Had HSG 6 days ago. My Tubes were not blocked. Had intercourse 2 days later, skipped a day and had intercourse again.
Waiting to see if HSG will do the trick. I want to give my hubby a child so badly. We advise our patients to refrain from intercourse for 24 hours after the procedure to avoid infection. No antibiotic is recommended prior to the procedure. Any fevers post-procedure, you must let your doctor know immediately. Occasionally, patients will experience spotting a few days following. A potentially serious complication can result if you are allergic to the contrast.
If you have had any allergic reaction to prior contrast as used with a CT scan, or IVP you need to notify your physician to determine if it is still safe to proceed and if you require additional medications prescribed prior to the procedure to reduce your risk for a reaction. To schedule a virtual consultation with an SGF physician, please call our New Patient Center at or submit this brief form.
Medical contribution by Anish A. Shah, M. S Anish Shah, M. Schedule Appointment. Search Search Resources. More on This Topic. Article Improve sperm count: sperm quality checklist. Article Connecting with patients: a personal IVF Article Meet Dr. As the contrast enters the tubes, it outlines the length of the tubes and spills out their ends if they are open. Abnormalities inside the uterine cavity may also be detected by the doctor observing the x-ray images when the fluid movement is disrupted by the abnormality.
The HSG procedure is not designed to evaluate the ovaries or to diagnose endometriosis, nor can it identify fibroids that are outside of the endometrial cavity, either in the muscular part of the uterus, or on the outside of the uterus.
Often, side views of the uterus and tubes are obtained by having the woman change her position on the table. After the HSG, a woman can immediately return to normal activities, although some doctors ask that she refrain from intercourse for a few days. An HSG usually causes mild or moderate uterine cramping for about minutes. However, some women may experience cramps for several hours. These symptoms can be greatly reduced by taking medications used for menstrual cramps before the procedure or when they occur.
Women should be prepared to have a family member or friend drive them home after the procedure in the event that they are experiencing cramping. It is controversial whether this procedure enhances fertility.