Can you be a communist and a fascist

Sovietism and Nazism were equally scornful of traditional morality and legality in their drive to eliminate "enemies," but for Lenin and his followers "re-education," cruel and humiliating as it was, did offer at least some chance for survival to either the "class enemy" or to their offspring.

This was not the case with Nazism and its treatment of the Jews. The problem with Leninism and later Stalinism , as evinced in by Karl Kautsky and Rosa Luxemburg, was the sanctification of the ultimate ends, and thus the creation of an amoral universe in which the most terrible crimes are justified in the name of glowing "tomorrows. No less important, the appeals of communism were linked to the extraordinary power of its ideology and the core myth of the Party as carrier of Reason in History.

No other revolutionary movement has been as successful as Leninism in turning the gnostic creed into a self-hypnotizing weapon. Leninist militants worldwide believed in the myth of the party with an ardor comparable only to the illuminates of religious millennial sects. Analytical distinctions between them are certainly important, but the commonality in terms of complete contempt for the bourgeois state of law, human rights, and the universality of humankind regardless of spurious race and class distinction is beyond doubt.

Leninism and Nazism contained all the political and ideological ingredients of the totalitarian order - party monopoly on power, ideological uniformity and regimentation, censorship, demonization of the "people's enemy," besieged fortress mentality, secret police terror, concentration camps, and, no less important, the obsession with the shaping of the "New Man. Often, comparing the two absolute disgraces of the 20th century - the Gulag and the Holocaust - leads to misunderstandings and injured feelings among victims of one or another of these monstrosities.

The key point, however, is the legitimacy of the comparison, and here I agree with the Polish-French historian, Krzystof Pomian's approach:. To say that the Soviets were worse because their system made more victims, or that the Nazis were worse because they exterminated the Jews, are two positions which are unacceptable, and the debate carried on under these terms is shocking and obscene. Indeed, the challenge is to avoid "comparative trivialization" or any form of competitive martyrology and to admit that, beyond similarities, the extreme radical systems had unique features, including rationalization of power, definition of the enemy, and designated goals.

They represented efforts to establish total control over society through systematic aggressions against any form of autonomous associations and initiatives, as well as the persecution and eventual extermination of ideologically defined adversaries. The ideology behind the tragedy of Communism and Nazism is aptly summarized in this apocalyptic statement as the vision of a superior elite whose utopian goals sanctify the most barbaric methods - the denial of the right to life to those who are defined as "degenerate parasites and predators," the deliberate de-humanization of the victims.

At the end of the day, reflecting on the "why" of the whole communist experience recalls that Leninism emerged from the wedding between a direction of European revolutionary socialism - one that could not come to terms with the established liberal order and the rights of the individual - and the Russian tradition of conspiratorial salvationist violence.

Similarly, the mixture between revolutionary anti-capitalism and ultra-nationalist German racism led to Hitler's millennial dreams of Aryan supremacy. The objective therefore, is to retrieve memory, to structure our understanding of these experiments, and to make sense of their methods and goals.

The above is a summary of his presentation, edited by Sabina Crisen. Meeting Report It does this through scholars-in-residence, seminars, policy study groups, media commentary, international conferences and publications. The program investigates European approaches to policy issues of importance to the United States, including globalization, digital transformation, climate, migration, global governance, and relations with Russia and Eurasia, China and the Indo-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa.

Read more. Close Search Search. Blog post. Confidence and Concern at China's "Two Sessions". By Abraham Denmark on March 10, Part of the Meeting Reports Publication. By Vladimir Tismaneanu. Communism Europe Eastern Europe.

Lessons from Communism and Fascism In the novel La condition humaine, published in the early s, Andre Malraux captured the great dream of 20th century communism.

Comparing Two Evils: Communism vs. Nazism There is no spectacular revelation in The Black Book: what has emerged from the secret archives of the former Soviet bloc countries confirms the long-held view that communists engaged in revolutionary civil war to accomplish the total transformation of the economy, society, and culture.

The key point, however, is the legitimacy of the comparison, and here I agree with the Polish-French historian, Krzystof Pomian's approach: "It is undeniable that mass crimes did take place, as well as crimes against humanity, and this is the merit of the team that put together The Black Book: to have brought the debate regarding 20th century communism into public discussion; in this respect, as a whole, beyond the reservations that one can hold concerning one page or another, it has played a remarkable role.

Tagged Series. About the Author. Explore More. Previous Next. By Jean H. Lee on March 3, Lee on October 13, Trauma and Triumph: U. By Alexander Dukalskis on April 3, Kennan Fellow Tatiana Vagramenko. By Tatiana Vagramenko on March 6, Likewise, they are often against other social constructs, such as rigid gender roles. Contrary to communism 's goal of a classless society, fascism upholds a strict class structure, ensuring that every member of society has a specific, unchangeable role.

Often in fascist societies women are restricted to the home and child-rearing, and a certain racial or ethnic group is considered superior, with national and ethnic unity encouraged at the expense of individuality and diversity.

Moreover, other groups with actual or perceived differences, including homosexuals, the disabled, and communists, were targeted during the Holocaust. Both fascism and communism are against the democratic process but with some differences. Fascism looks down upon parliamentary democracy. Fascist leaders like Hitler and Mussolini participated in electoral politics before coming to power. But after seizing power, fascist leaders tended to abolish political parties, oppose universal suffrage and became dictators and Rulersrulers for life.

In communist countries, democracy might be the path to power a communist majority is elected , but single-party rule is the prevailing tendency. Although elections may continue to be held, a country's Communist Party is often the only body eligible to place candidates on the ballot. Leadership in the party is usually based on seniority rather than merit.

A central ruling committee within the party governs debate allowing or disallowing it and essentially establishes the "line" the party follows. Although communism preaches inclusion, the tendency is toward elitism and concentration of power within the party leadership alone.

Communism is based on the equal distribution of wealth. The tenet of Marxian communism was "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. In order to ensure that everyone receives an equal amount, all means of production are controlled by the state. Fascism allows for private enterprise, but its economic system is focused entirely on strengthening and glorifying the state. Both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany aimed for self-sufficiency, so that each country could survive entirely without trade with other nations.

See fascist corporatism. In both communism and fascism, individual choice or preference matter less than society as a whole. In communism, religion and private property are both abolished, the government controls all labor and wealth, and individual choices such as one's job or education tend to be dictated by the government. While private property is permitted in fascism, most other choices are also controlled to increase the strength of the state.

The first real-world example of Marxist Communism was in Russia in , when the Bolshevik Party seized control in the October Revolution. Russian leaders of the time, such as Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky, were seen as examples worthy of emulation in other countries, spearheading the growth of communist parties throughout Europe.

In reaction to what was seen as a growing communist menace, fascism appeared in Italy and Germany. The focus was on nationalism rather than inclusion in a "global communist state" that many feared would create puppets of Russia's communist party. To keep workers from seizing control of their workplaces, corporations and key economic engines were taken over by the government nationalized , uniting business and government into monopolies.

Fascism then spread throughout Europe, including to Germany beginning in with the Nazis, and Portugal in Communism spread throughout Europe and Asia, establishing a constant presence in the political debates of leading countries such as England, France, and the U. The "fall of China" to communism caused major concern in Europe and the U. After the war, the Soviet Union was formed, forcibly adding several countries to its communist coalition. China became active in its Asian sphere of influence, backing North Korea against U.

Vietnam was also a test case in a war that had the U. However, many of these regimes were toppled by subsequent coups or undermined by U. One exception is Cuba, where its government was overthrown by Fidel Castro's forces in and declared allegiance to the Soviet Union; it has since remained a communist nation.

Other fascist regimes emerged in South America and Africa, but failed to remain in power for long. The spread of communism, though extensive, was probably less successful than it could have been due to the lack of collaboration between the Soviet Union and China, each espousing a different "true communist" philosophy.

The collapse of the Soviet Union in and the economic depression of China that lasted over 50 years, added to the failure of other communist governments, led to a large-scale abandonment of communism as a political theory. As of , China, Cuba, and North Korea are the most prominent of about a dozen communist countries out of over in the world. However, China has adopted basic capitalist practices to develop the world's fastest-growing and largest economy, Cuba has agreed to normalize relations with the U.

No countries are currently operate under a fascist philosophy, but neo-fascists or neo-Nazis exist in many countries, including the U. Noted supporters of communism in the U. Many people openly supported communism in the s and s. Although belief in communism is not a crime under U. Some famous Americans and companies were involved with the fascist regimes of Europe, particularly Nazi Germany, although most later withdrew their open support.

Many people consider capitalism , communism, and fascism to be entirely separate systems, but there are shared elements. In capitalist systems, the presence of "public domain" works, to be shared by all, follows a communist principle, as does a system of public education. Employee-owned companies follow a communist model in giving workers the same rights and privileges as owners.

Lobbying is a fascist trait in capitalist systems, especially the U. This allows corporations to cement alliances with government power and supersede citizen's rights. An extension of this principle is seen in the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court , which grants "free speech" rights to corporations. Share this comparison:. If you read this far, you should follow us:. Diffen LLC, n. Great description of the two social movements.

I'm not sure where claims of bias towards the description of communism in this article are rooted I've read several books on the subject and this description seems right on the money. Perhaps this is just bias towards the movement itself North Korea is not a communist nation.

It is a facist dictatorship in which a single person has absolute authority. As your chart correctly states, there has never been a communist nation.

Communist movements are quickly hijacked by opportunistic dictators. Communism vs. Comparison chart Communism versus Fascism comparison chart Communism Fascism Philosophy From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

Free-access to the articles of consumption is made possible by advances in technology that allow for super-abundance. The state must gain glory through constant conquest and war. The past was glorious, and that the State can be renewed. The individual has no value outside of his or her role in promoting the glory of the State. Philosophies varied by country. Key Elements Centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property.

Usually anti-democratic with a 1-party system. Actual idealism, centralized government, social Darwinism, planned economy, anti-democratic, meritocratic, extreme nationalism, militarism, racism Nazism.

One party system. Ideas All people are the same and therefore classes make no sense. The government should own all means of production and land and also everything else. People should work for the government and the collective output should be redistributed equally. Union between businesses and the State, with the state telling the business what to do, with nominally private ownership.

Corporatism in Italy, National Socialism in Germany. Central planning of National economy. Redistribution of wealth Nazi. Political System A communist society is stateless, classless and governed directly by the people. This, however, has never been achieved. In practice, they have been totalitarian in nature, with a central party governing society. One charismatic leader has absolute authority. Often the symbol of the state. Advisers to Government are generally picked by merit rather than election.

Cronyism common. Private Property Abolished. The concept of property is negated and replaced with the concept of commons and ownership with "usership".

Nominally permitted. Contingent upon service, obedience, or usefulness to the State. Definition International theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, with actual ownership ascribed to the community or state.

Rejection of free markets and extreme distrust of Capitalism in any form. An extremely nationalistic, authoritarian state usually led by one person at the head of one party. No democratic election of representatives. No free market. No individualism or individual glory. The State controls of the press and all other media. Economic Coordination Economic planning coordinates all decisions regarding investment, production and resource allocation.

Planning is done in terms of physical units instead of money. Businesses are nominally privately owned; the State dictates outputs and investments. Planning is based on projected labor output rather than money. Social Structure All class distinctions are eliminated. A society in which everyone is both the owners of the means of production and their own employees.

Strict class structure believed necessary to prevent chaos Italian Fascist. All class distinctions are eliminated German Nazi. Italian Fascism was not racist in doctrine originally. Religion Abolished - all religious and metaphysics is rejected.

Fascism is a civic religion: citizens worship the state through nationalism. Ownership Structure The means of production are commonly-owned, meaning no entity or individual owns productive property.


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