Where is cone bay wa

It is proud to have been the first Australian aquaculture farm to be rated low impact and sustainable by the Australian Conservation Foundation under their Sustainable Australian Seafood Assessment Program. The Cone Bay farm was also noted in the Australian Government's State of the Environment publication as an example of how the "careful siting and management of caged fish facilities can result in acceptably low impacts and risks".

Please note: For the best user experience, please turn on JavaScript. Running a sophisticated aquaculture operation in a place such as the Kimberly is not without its challenges — each barramundi takes around 2.

Once harvested the barramundi are taken by harvest vessel south to Derby and then transferred by road train to Fremantle and then shipped to the rest of Australia. Cone Bay Barramundi adheres to the highest ethical and sustainable standards — this includes feeding barramundi on pellets derived from sustainable animal and plant protein. Cone Bay farmed barramundi has been certified as sustainable by the Best Aquaculture Practices BAP , and Richard says Cone Bay is always looking at ways to lessen its environmental footprint.

Coles Own Brand responsibly sourced barramundi from Cone Bay is available at Coles supermarkets nationally. Help lower the cost of your shop with our weekly half price specials, Down Downs and catalogue deals.

Skip to main content. Search Cancel. The nearest sealed road to Cone Bay is the Derby Highway Have you caught or seen fish at Cone Bay? Contribute your knowledge by clicking here. Do you know what facilities are available at Cone Bay? Do you know what recreational activities are available at Cone Bay? Do you have a photo of Cone Bay gathering cyber dust on your hard drive? Why not upload it and share your information with other Bonzle users. Click here to view recently uploaded photos from other users or browse thousands of pictures grouped by themes in Bonzle collections.

Here are some examples:. Beltana Mount Tamborine Bowen Drysdale. Create a custom map : Click here to create a custom map including ' Cone Bay '.


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