Learn why and how we induce labor. Timing is different for every pregnancy. Early labor can last for days. All we can do at this stage is wait for signs that your body is ready to deliver, so a lot of people come in too soon and wind up going home again. A contraction is a tightening of the uterus that feels like cramping or pressure.
You should feel it over your entire uterus and possibly into your back. If this is your first baby, come to the hospital when your contractions:. If your contractions are still far apart and you want things to go faster, try walking around. It can help your baby move into your pelvis.
The pressure that gravity puts on your cervix can also help things move along. This is your waters breaking. Sometimes when you're in labour, a midwife or doctor may offer to break your waters. If your waters break naturally, you may feel a slow trickle or a sudden gush of water you cannot control.
To prepare for this, you could keep a sanitary towel but not a tampon handy if you're going out, and put a protective sheet on your bed. Amniotic fluid is clear and pale. Sometimes it's difficult to tell amniotic fluid from urine. When your waters break, the water may be a little bloodstained to begin with.
If your waters break before labour starts, call your midwife. Use a sanitary pad not a tampon so your midwife can check the colour of the waters. It's usual to go into labour within 24 hours of the waters breaking.
You'll be offered an induction if you do not because, without amniotic fluid, there's an increased risk of infection for your baby. Until your induction, or if you choose to wait for labour to start naturally, tell your midwife immediately if:.
You should take your temperature every 4 hours when you're awake, and tell your midwife if it's raised. A raised temperature is usually above Early labor also known as the latent phase of labor is usually still some time away from the actual birth. It helps your baby get into place for birth.
The contractions might feel regular or come and go. This lets your cervix the opening to the womb open and soften. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists ACOG , early labor is the period of time when your cervix dilates up to 6 centimeters. As your birth canal opens the mucus plug to your cervix may pop out. This is a completely normal part of birth. You might have a clear, pink, or even red glob or discharge in your underwear, or notice it when you wipe after using the toilet.
Recent research has shown early labor is much longer and slower than previously believed. Early labor can last from hours to days. One study found that labor can take 9 hours to progress just from 4 to 6 centimeters, though it can vary widely from person to person. Sometimes, early labor will start and then stop for a little while. Researchers of at least one large study believe that women who allow early labor to progress naturally without intervention may have less risk of cesarean delivery.
Per ACOG, the clinical definition of the start of active labor is when your cervix has reached 6 centimeters in dilation. Write down when your contractions happen and how long they last. During active labor your cervix birth canal opens or dilates from 6 centimeters to 10 centimeters. Home Blogs Topics Intermountain Moms Dani Kurtz Mar 26, In fact, there are many reasons a pregnant woman might visit Labor and Delivery, and here are four of them: You have contractions: Contractions are the most obvious reason.
However, many women aren't sure when it's time to head to the hospital. If you are preterm, or less than 37 weeks, you should go to Labor and Delivery if you are having contractions an hour, which is only every minutes. You should also go if you're having other signs of preterm labor, such as constant or intermittent lower abdominal pain or lower back pain, any kind of pressure , leaking of fluid, bleeding, or increased vaginal discharge associated with pain.
If you are full term, or over 37 weeks, it's time to go to Labor and Delivery once your contractions are minutes apart. You increase your chances of staying at the hospital if your contractions have been going on at that rate for at least two hours.