Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan on Dexter , episode 2. Since Dexter had killed more than fifty victims by the time the season started, any police department would be way over their heads with such a discovery, let alone the totally incompetent Miami Metro Police Department of the series.
This shirt is a pretty appropriate choice given the episode title. The casual shirt is meant to be worn untucked — as Dexter does — with a straight hem around the bottom and short vents on each side. Both the large spread collars and the patch breast pocket with its mitred bottom have stitched edges visible. There is a solid yoke across the rear with side darts. The trousers have plain-hemmed bottoms with a slight flare. Although not seen clearly here, auction house photos of the trousers reveal that they indeed have tall belt loops, although Dexter often ignored wearing belts.
The trousers have on-seam side pockets and jetted rear pockets, with the right rear pocket fastening through a button loop. A bit inconsiderate of Dexter not to get down and help…. The shoes may be from J. And we have them in various sizes so we can accommodate stuntmen or if anyone needs to wear pads. I think when everything wraps up, Showtime is going to auction off a lot of the costumes.
Already a subscriber? Log in or link your magazine subscription. Account Profile. Sign Out. Tags: dexter michael c. He repeats every thing in a fixed pattern. Setting up the kill room, the kill table, the weapons, drawing blood from the victim for the slides, etc. The uniform is part of his ritual too. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
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Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Active 5 years, 9 months ago.