Our counsellors are insured, indemnified and engaged in continuous personal development for both Health Assured and their relevant governing body. You might also be interested in Essential EAP Mental health first aid course. Make your enquiry Please complete the form below and we'll be in touch to answer your enquiry. Thank you Thank you for completing the form, we'll be in touch soon to see how we can best handle your enquiry. Book a place on this workshop. Staff should have immediate access to a qualified therapist who can assist with any problem they may be experiencing.
Quite often depressed or suicidal people will call at night or during the weekend. You should ask how quickly and easily psychologists can provide assistance to an employee in crisis e. Also ask how quickly a psychologist can be mobilised to attend the workplace should a critical incident occur. Many industries have specific requirements that their EAP counselling service needs to understand.
If the provider has helped businesses in the same industry as yours, they are likely to understand the type of work they do and specific stressors that may come with those roles. For example, a mining company could have higher numbers of workers dealing with relationship and divorce issues due to their fly in fly out FIFO work commitments.
The rates of depression and suicide are also over-represented in that industry. The retail sector and banks need counsellors with experience in helping staff deal with stress and possibly trauma, for example, following an armed robbery or an assault. Learn why an EAP benefit is so essential and how to help employees make the most of it in this guide.
If you need to brush up on the difference between these mental health resources for employees, chances are they do, too. Now more than ever, employees need all the help they can get. Enumerating small differences like price, duration of counseling, and how to access each resource can go a long way toward breaking down barriers to mental health support , improving overall employee wellness, and boosting employee morale.
Member Support Employer Dashboard. This post was originally published in June What are Behavioral Health Programs? What is teletherapy? An employee assistance program typically includes some combination of the following mental health resources: Short-term counseling — typically, anywhere from sessions with a counselor to help employees address acute issues.
The counselor may also use this time to direct employees to additional resources, like substance abuse support groups Financial counseling — resources to help employees manage their budgets, address debt, and more Legal services — free legal counsel for divorce, bankruptcy, and more Adoption assistance — free legal and financial support for employees who want to pursue adoption Child and elder care services — resources and support for caregivers Substance abuse referral services — short-term counseling and group support resources specifically for employees struggling with substance abuse Workplace trauma counseling — support for employees struggling with trauma after incidents of workplace violence.
To recap, EAP: Connects employees with resources that help them deal with stress Includes short-term counseling, as well as other services like legal and financial support Can help employees connect with long-term counseling resources like teletherapy Is usually free for employees How it works with HealthJoy: Just like HealthJoy Behavioral Health, members access HealthJoy EAP from the app.
The program is designed to mirror a traditional face-to-face counseling visit. Prior to their sessions, clients enter a virtual waiting room, where there's zero chance of accidentally bumping into someone they don't want to see.
Farris has found that video-counseling is both convenient and effective when working with couples who happen to be in two different locations due to travel and scheduling conflicts. Sharar sees the value in a blended approach that makes it possible to take advantage of what each modality has to offer and to change modalities seamlessly. For example, an employee might attend the first two sessions by phone or video, then meet face to face with the counselor and follow up with online communication.
Counseling typically lasts about three to six sessions. If a problem is more severe or requires longer-term treatment, most EAPs maintain a referral network that employees can access. In those cases, EAP counselors can identify and assess the situation to determine the best way to deal with the problem.
Does It Work? Companies use EAPs because doing so makes good business sense. When organizations invest in the well-being of their employees, the organization benefits as well.
When employees are under stress as a result of personal or professional problems, their productivity and performance suffer. This can negatively impact an organization's bottom line. Stress has been called the "health epidemic of the 21st century" by the World Health Organization. Nearly half of all workers suffer from moderate to severe stress while on the job, and 66 percent of employees report that they have difficulty focusing on tasks at work because of stress. This is estimated to cost U.
In a survey of 2, employees conducted by Chicago-based EAP provider ComPsych, respondents reported that stress interfered with concentration and focus, caused them to make errors and miss deadlines, and undermined relationships with co-workers and bosses.
EAP services can help employees manage their stress. Speaking strictly in dollars and cents, the U. Department of Health and Human Services reports that "all of the published studies indicate that EAPs are cost-effective. However, Sharar cautions against calculating return on investment purely in financial terms. He encourages a more qualitative approach that focuses on getting the best possible results on a case-by-case basis.