The best way to deal damage to her is with Quick Hit. You will want to use a Holy Water on any character that got hit by a physical attack, and Esuna on every character without Ribbon when Giga-Graviton is used. You will be able to survive Giga-Graviton if you keep your HP above the half. Otherwise, you will either need Auto-Life to survive the attack, or to summon an Aeon to take the damage. The easiest way to do this is with a Megalixir, but Ethers and Elixirs will work too. Final Fantasy X: Dark Anima.
Location Prep Strategy Rewards. Location Dark Anima can be found at the bottom of Mt. Prep For this fight, you will want your Sphere Grid completely filled, or at least close to being finished. Strategy Dark Anima has access to a few different attacks, all of which inflict different status effects.
Now, pummel Mindy with your character overdrives Blitz Ace and a perfect 2-Hit Attack Reels to get rid of her quickly and prevent further Delta Attacks. With one of them gone, the remaining 2 will do Mega-Graviton when their overdrive gauges are full.
Your party must always have Auto-Life, since its hard to predict what they will do next. First cast Hastega then Auto-Life on all your party members. Now, your primary concern is to get rid of the left arm quickly since it carries the biggest threat Tetra-Graviton , Once its gone, Double cast Ultima repeatedly. Summon your aeons at overdrive, especially Anima and Magus Sisters. The right arm will cast Mighty Guard on all the parts after a few turns so be ready to use Dispel or Purifying Salt to remove it.
Remember that the arms regenerate so you'll have to kill it again. Another alternative in defeating Penance is to grand summon Yojimbo and pay him lots of gil again then hope for Zanmato. This occurs randomly and worse, he often does Wakizashi the moment he appears, thus he dies even before you get to pay him for Zanmato.
Final Fantasy X Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 15 Apr am. Energy Blast - Damage relative to stats and HP all characters. Physical Atk - Damage relative to stats and HP one character. Hellfire - Damage relative to stats and HP all characters. Aerospark - Damage relative to stats and HP one character. Thor's Hammer - Damage relative to stats and HP all characters. Diamond Dust - Damage relative to stats and HP all characters.
Mega Flare - Damage relative to stats and HP all characters. Wakizashi - Damage relative to stats and HP all characters. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Blood, Violence. Release Date. While this allows the Switch the play N64 games such as Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Winback and more the common consensus is that this is not a great port as it emulates the classic Nintendo 64 console in a poor way.
While this does include North American and European versions of the game, reports say that fog, frame-rates, and input timing are affected all of which is covered in this Performance Review. User Info: Hak. Just farm One-Eye in the Arena. Can be killed in only a couple of hits. Probably the fastest way to do it. The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom I got my 3x ribbons by naturally maxing my stats at the arena so I didn't even need to farm D.
Jimbo at all, I guess I was just lucky that I got all x matters at the arena. More topics from this board Secondary character for Dark Aeons and Penance. Yojimbo Strategy? Build 3 Answers Maximum stats? Build 6 Answers Lightning plains cactuar stone help? Side Quest 3 Answers. Ask A Question.
Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Well is there an easy way to farm dark matter? My PSN: Khalisis. User Info: Imbackhahahaha Imbackhahahaha 7 years ago 2 Dark Yojimbo can be farmed for it Gamefaqs removed my signature because it had a naughty word. User Info: bvillebro bvillebro 7 years ago 3 Debatable. User Info: coreekymon coreekymon 7 years ago 4 Well there are a few ways to do it, I actually ended up with 5 ultimate armors with Ribbons.
User Info: SweetHeartRinoa SweetHeartRinoa 7 years ago 6 I don't think having ribbon for everyone is worth it, One character with the ribbon with the 99 dark matters you recieve from the monster arena owner is enough, while the other characters have stone proof.
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