This is essentially the end of the consequences that come out of the Collector Base decision, and indeed they are not very impactful overall. One final thing to mention is that if a player reaches the end of Mass Effect 3 with an EMS that is below , then they will only have access to one ending choice. The choice that is available will depend upon whether the Collector Base was kept or destroyed, and thus fans may want to spend a little time reading up on the game's endings.
That said, players that put even a small amount of effort into their playthroughs should have no trouble exceeding EMS, making this consequence somewhat negligible. Sony looks back at PlayStation 5's remarkable first year and releases the list of top-played PS5 games based on gameplay hours. William Parks is an editor at Game Rant with a background in visual arts.
Prothean organic material was harvested roughly 50, years ago and used to create the Collectors, indoctrinated slaves of the Reapers. Much the same is happening to the human colonists who have been taken by the Collectors, though choosing to destroy the base is met with conflicting sentiments from squad mates such as Garrus and Mordin, who point out the scientific value in preserving it.
Taking Mass Effect 2's Paragon route in destroying the Collector Base angers the Illusive Man, who now sits in front of a bright blue star and tells Shepard that the technology destroyed along with the base could have secured human dominance in the Milky Way against the Reapers and beyond.
In a final act of defiance against Cerberus, Shepard tells the Illusive Man that he's no longer calling the shots, and that Shepard is taking the reins to fight against the Reapers. Instead of blowing up the Collector Base, taking the skin-altering Renegade route has Shepard overload the base's systems with a radiation pulse, killing the Collectors but preserving the base itself. Contrary to Paragon Shepard's sentiments, a Renegade playthrough has the Commander generally buying into the idea of Cerberus being the best hope for humanity against the Reaper invasion.
Shepard will keep the base intact so that Cerberus can recover the Reaper technology, which is more advanced than any contemporary device in the Milky Way. Choosing the Renegade option with Mass Effect 2's Collector Base will similarly elicit opposed responses from squadmates who believe the testing facility should be destroyed so that it doesn't remain as a monument to the experiments conducted by the Collectors.
Tali and Jack, among others, will remind Shepard of the innocent lives lost on the base when the player considers preserving the base. Discussing the outcome of the suicide mission with the Illusive Man when preserving the Collector Base will have him praising Shepard for doing what was necessary for humanity, all while seated in front of a dark red star.
He mentions the technological leap will possibly be as great as when the Charon Relay was discovered before the events of Mass Effect , which propelled humanity into the interstellar age. Despite their compliance with Cerberus, Renegade Shepard still cautions the Illusive Man that the Reapers are still coming, and to not squander the opportunity the Collector Base gives him. The final result of Commander Shepard's decision regarding the Collector Base becomes clear near the end of Mass Effect 3.
Many of these are superficial and affect the dialogue and scenes at the end of Mass effect 2. Along the Mass effect 2 , Cerberus positions itself as a necessary evil, an organization ultimately interested only in preserving and elevating humanity to a stature above the other alien races.
Protean organic material was harvested approximately 50, years ago and used to create the Collectors, indoctrinated slaves of the Reapers. The same is happening to human colonists who have been captured by the Gatherers, although the choice to destroy the base is met with mixed feelings from squadmates like Garrus and Mordin, who point out the scientific value of preserving it.
In a final act of defiance against Cerberus, Shepard tells the Illusive Man that he is no longer making the decisions and that Shepard is taking the reins to fight the Reapers.
Shepard will keep the base intact so Cerberus can bring back Reaper technology, which is more advanced than any contemporary Milky Way device. Tali and Jack, among others, will remind Shepard of innocent lives lost on the base when the player considers preserving the base.
He mentions that the technological leap will possibly be as great as when the Charon Relay was discovered before the events of Massive effect , which propelled humanity into the interstellar age. During this mission to Chronos Station, as Shepard fights the now indoctrinated ranks of Cerberus, what remains of the Human Grim Reaper, Mass effect 2 The final boss, you can see.
If Shepard decided to destroy the collector base, only the heart of the human Grim Reaper remains.