This process can take several months or up to a year depending on backlog, need for more information, depth of the investigation process and other factors. A background investigation begins after an applicant has received a conditional offer from an agency and has completed the forms required to begin the process. To help accelerate the process, begin to gather relevant information now so you can submit the relevant forms and information once you are offered a position.
Once you have submitted the documentation, the designated agency will proceed with the investigation, depending on backlog and priority. Each of these positions requires some form of background investigation, which may vary depending on the necessary level of clearance for a position.
For a secret clearance in a national security position, the investigation requires agents to interview people who have lived or worked with the applicant at some point in the last seven years or more. Normally your clearance remains in effect as long as you remain employed by a cleared contractor and, like in the military, as long as you are expected to require access to classified information as part of your job function.
Also like the military civilians are required to comply with periodic reinvestigation requirements. If the PSI has expired or there has been a break-in-service of two years or more, a person must be nominated for a new clearance and must complete a new application in the same manner as a person who never had a clearance.
That is why it is important to a potential employer that you keep your PSI up to date or renew within two years. Related: Does your resume pass the 6-second test? Get a FREE assessment. If you had a clearance and the investigation is still current, the clearance can be reinstated by the agency that originally granted the clearance or it can be accepted and granted by a different agency or company.
Of course this reinstatement must occur with two years. As a rule this only requires the submitting a new application. The answer is no if you previously held a Secret or Confidential clearance and maybe if your previous level was Top Secret was completed less than five years ago.
If so there is a possibility that a very small portion of the new investigation will not have to be repeated, which may speed up the process a little. Who has security clearance? More than 4. Show Caption. Hide Caption.
The United States government trusted millions of people with high levels of security clearances, so what does it take to get it? Yes, these are identical to the civilian employee clearances.
The major difference in getting a military clearance level is that fingerprints and other materials may or may not have already been gathered as part of the military enlistment process — some procedures for military members may be a bit more streamlined than for a brand new federal hire in a civilian position. In some cases employees without a clearance may be included after undergoing required background checks and other procedures, but this process is up to the hiring agency. Something known as the Interim clearance does not provide a different level of access to classified information, but rather acts as a temporary approval to access the information or facilities permitted by the proposed clearance level the employee or military member is being investigated for.
Interim clearances are not considered routine; the U. However, Controlled Unclassified and Public Trust Position are not considered security clearance levels. Controlled Unclassified Information CUI does not represent a clearance designation, but rather a clearance level at which information distribution is controlled. Controlled Unclassified designates information that may be illegal to distribute.
CUI is information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and government-wide policies but is not classified under Executive Order or the Atomic Energy Act, as amended. Public Trust is a type of background investigation, but it is not a security clearance. Certain positions which require access to sensitive information, but not information which is classified, must obtain this designation through a background check.
Special Access Programs are those offered to certain qualifying federal employees or uniformed service members who are recommended and vetter for the program. You are not automatically approved to participate in a Special Access Program just because you carry a Secret clearance or better. You must be nominated, your security clearance investigation must have taken place it he last five years, and the following are also required:.
When working with SAP projects, those granted access are first briefed about the national security implications of negligently or purposefully allowing information associated with the SAP to be disclosed, leaked, etc.