No explanation. I don't know what I did wrong. She has also blocked me. I'm fairly new to board-pinning. Where can I learn all the rules, so I don't upset a fellow pinner? I'm so sorry to hear that! I think some pinners can be a little over zealous with the blocking feature. Don't let it get you down. I think most pinners understand that Pinterest is a community that works best when people share.
Is there a limit to the number of group boards you can join or be invited to from one Pinterest account? I had heard that joining a lot of boards would look like spamming from Pinterest's point of view although I cannot think why if you pin responsibly.
Just wanted to hear your views on it. Many thanks. I have heard that pinning too much at one time will look like spamming from Pinterest's point of view, but I've not heard that in regard to group boards.
Pinterest does have limits in place, but they don't tell users what those limits are. My group boards have a high following, but are reserved for friends as contributors.
I do not have information about how to contact me or join my group boards because they are not open. I find it extremely annoying that I get emails on a daily basis asking to be added to my group boards, from people I don't even know. I would greatly appreciate if you updated this post to state that you should only asked to be invited to those boards who have a board description that say they are open to invites. Not sure how my boards got included in your directory.
Good point Nicole. I'm not sure how your boards ended up the directory either. If you let me know which of your boards are posted in the directory, I'll delete them. That's a good tip on putting an alternate Email address in rather than your main one. I've been hesitant to add my regular Email to my boards and have instead suggested people just add a comment to one of my pins.
I didn't realize though that they might not realize who "I" am. That's a good tip! I was invited to join a group board, I accepted without memorizing the name of the person who invited me. How will I know who invited me? Is there a list I can check which group board I am in? In the upper left hand corner of a group board, you will see information about who is pinning on that board. The very first person listed is the person who made the board the board administrator and most likely is the person who invited you to join.
I had this exact question and couldn't find an answer. This post addressed it exactly. Thank you for doing this! On a side note, I'd love to join your DIY shared boards if possible. Thanks very much! Thanks so much for this info. I have a question and I'm wondering if you can help me. I accepted an invitation to join a group and I pinned 2 items. Since then, when I go to my Pinterest account and click on any of my boards, it takes me to the group board. I don't seem to have access to my boards any more.
Have you ever seen or heard of this happening? Is there anything I can do, besides quit the group? I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have for me. Thank you, so much, in advance. Could you answer a dumb question?
I don't know if my last comment went through. Trying again. I have a dumb question. How do I email a board's administrator if the email address isn't in the board description?
The very first person listed is the person who made the board the board administrator. Click that person to go to their Pinterest page. They should have some type of contact info in their Pinterest profile at the top of their Pinterest page.
You may have to click through to their blog to find an email contact. I know it's a lot of steps, but that's why I recommend people include their contact information in the group board description to make things easier. Thanks so much for explaining group board basics as I know I need to get more engaged but haven't known how until readying your post. You are a lifesaver! I was just finding all sorts of group boards today and had no way to get invited I cannot manage to find the email of the editor of a board.
I know his name but cannot find how to send a message to him. Why in the world do they make this so difficult??? Can you help? To find the person who created the group board, look in the upper left corner. The first person listed there is the person who created and owns the group board. If you click that link, you'll be taken to their main Pinterest page which should have some type of contact info such as where they blog or a Facebook link.
If you follow the link to their blog, you will probably be able to find an email address to contact them. If all else fails, you can always try leaving a request to join their boards by leaving a comment on one of their pins. Hello and thank you for this page. I was invited via email to pin on a particular board, but I never received an invitation from Pinterest. The only invitation was through my email. I've asked them to resend,but I think they are sick of me.
I did ask them twice. Any ideas? Try clicking on the little icon next to your name in the upper right corner of your Pinterest account. You'll get a drop down menu. Click the "you" button which will show you all the invites you've received to pin on group boards. Thank you! This was so helpful. I recently emailed asking to join a group board. They emailed back the invite, but it did not work. I used a different email account. I will give it another go Thanks for the detailed tips!
How do you find previous invites that are not showing on the info tab? Hi there - this is a great post. I thought it was just me being stupid but I'm finding it really hard to join group boards.
I agree with you - board administrators do not make it easy to request an invitation. Also, one person said I should leave a comment on a pin - does this mean leaving a comment "Hi I want to join your board please?
Feeling very frustrated and grumpy now I was figuring out how to get invitation from popular boards. I was invited to pin in few boards without sending them any requests.
This post was informative and let me try with these tips. Thank You! I think I'm missing something None of the boards I'm interested in have any emails or anything to contact. It should be in the board description. If it's not, comment on any pin and they will see it.
Thank you so much for explaining this in such great detail! And please - anyone reading this that has a group board -- please add your contact info to the description of your board like Bonnie said. Too often it feels like a dead end when I find a group board that I would like to participate in. Thanks again for this post! Not that it needs too much help — in its invite-only state the site saw a daily active user count of about 1.
The ramifications of opening the floodgates to the general public should be clear soon. Subscribe to get the best Verge-approved tech deals of the week. Cookie banner We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from.
By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Cybersecurity Mobile Policy Privacy Scooters. Phones Laptops Headphones Cameras. Tablets Smartwatches Speakers Drones. The Pinterest website provides some information about secret boards. Click here to view secret board information on Pinterest.
Updated March 11, Gather ideas, tips and information in one non-public area for review by you or you and your team. Secret boards are a great way to capture what others in the marketplace are doing and to learn from them.
Pin interesting content ideas, tips, information, etc. Gather ideas for a special project, for yourself or a client home renovation ideas, product ideas, wedding planning info, etc. Your Secret Board has been created! The social network previously took new users by invitation only. Zeus Kerravala, an analyst with ZK Research, said he's only surprised that it took Pinterest , which launched in beta in March , this long to open up its registration.
However, Kerravala noted that the Pinterest team hopefully was using that time to prepare the site for what could be an onslaught of new users. Pinterest is like a shareable scrapbook. Users can create various pages of interest by pulling in images from around the Web.
If someone spots an image - of, say, a beautiful garden, a hairstyle, shoes or a thoughtful quote - she can use a plugin to grab it and add it to her board.