How long does blackrock depths take

Undisplayed locations — Hall of Blackhand Nefarian's Lair. Blackrock Mountain category. Instanced dungeons and raids. Instance portal Instances by level Instance attunement Instances by continent. The Burning Crusade. Wrath of the Lich King. Mists of Pandaria. Warlords of Draenor.

Upper Blackrock Spire. Return to Karazhan. Seat of the Triumvirate Antorus, the Burning Throne. Battle for Azeroth. The Eternal Palace. Ny'alotha, the Waking City. Darkmaul Citadel.

Instances category Instance bosses category Instance grouping guide. Universal Conquest Wiki. Blackrock Depths loading graphic. The Masonary , Blackrock Mountain. Dark Iron dwarf Fire elemental Flamewaker.

Emperor Dagran Thaurissan. Bosses Detention Block. Halls of the Law. Ring of Law Arena. Jalinda Sprig. Kevin Dawson. Prospector Seymour. Mayara Brightwing. The Grim Guzzler , Blackrock Depths.

Mountaineer Orfus. Marshal Maxwell. The Lyceum , Blackrock Depths. Ander Germaine. Farseer Umbrua. Demisette Cloyce. Maginor Dumas. High Priestess Laurena. Wulf Hansreim. Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker. I have been ther 26 times in the last 5 days. I have dinged from Level 53 thru 58 inside there. Just today i went there 7 times in a row then did stratholme and finally 4 of us just went to blackrock Spire for kicks n did pretty good for a 4 man group i must say.

Myself Lvl 58 warriors, lvl 55 warrior, lvl 54 pally n lvl 51 priest. In those 26 trips of mine, I was grouped with various combinations. The Best combination I found to be 3 warriors 1 paly and 1 priest - man trust me.. Our favourite priest happens to be lvl 51, we tried a few others lvl 56 and lvl 62 but they sucked.

This guy was like an angel from heaven - there is never a moment I have even looked at my health bar when he's around. If my health went below half, that would mean he was dead.

I know the place like the palm of my hand now : I stopped questing at level 56 i think - theyre too complicated and being a working man - I cant possibly take time out to go thru the headache of figuring out things instead of leveling - so I generally only do quests people share inside the instance. Also, the reason I liked BRD is it doesnt feel like a grind - its like a survivor episode in there.

I have been lucky to get angerforges axe and the fiery wrath polearm. There is no key, or process for it. To get to it, enter Blackrock Mountain, and go to the top of the circle. You'll see some chains that lead down to an area in the center of the mountain. There's a small ramp up to one of the chains, so go up that, and run down the chain.

Then follow the doors and paths down around to the bottom. There is a second chain, and be careful not to fall off the ledges. When you get to the bottom, you'll see a guy in a little cutout. He's the guy for MC, so turn around, take a few steps back, and there's a door that goes inside. Pretty much head straight after you get in there, and after a few mobs, you'll see a pathway, like a bridge almost. There's a patroling fire elemental who is the objecet of a quest, if you have it , but the instance entrance is at the end of that lane, on your right.

People HATED running it, because it took five or six hours to do, and people would leave, and new people would arrive, and items were easy to ninja. Now, in the year , three or four Lv. The drops are very good, and if you know where you're going and the quickest routes to each boss, you can clear them all in under an hour.

Other major instances for some nice gear for your Lv. In any case, all the people who said they hate this instance and want it to burn in hell, now have the chance at Lv. It's fun :D. Comment by Thottbot i ran BRD with a good group 56 loc 57 warrior 53 hunter i believe 52 mage me 62 druid balence spec, but healer we made it to the bar, smashed the kegs and beat the boss that comes in, and then went up stairs.

Comment by Thottbot BRD is without question my favorite instance of all time. There are many quest chains that feed into BRD. You can have like 9 quests in your log going in. If you are in a PUG that is doubly so. Pick 2 or 3 quests that are near each other and do them.

The quest is picked up from a ghost in the center section outside the instance when you are dead. Make sure everybody picks it up on the first wipe. If your group is around the intended level about 55 you will get creamed if you don't use crowd control, keep aggro off the healer, and prevent runners.

Banish or kill them first every time they are in a pull. Save the princess. You must get through the the Lyceum, which is amazingly hard compared to all dungeon content in the game up to this point, IMO. Unless you have some high levels or veterans in your group you are going to wipe many times. Google it. As mentioned in other posts above, this instance is solo-able and quite fun at Comment by Thottbot If you have a lock in your group remind him to cast level one curse of recklessness on any and all humanoid enemies as they get low on health.

For 35 mana you will prevent pulling another mob and save yourself many wipes. Comment by Thottbot Alright, I've spent WAY to much time trying to find the dmn bar and get to the other half of the instance. Read below for help: You will need to have the Shadowforge Key to get to the bar. Once you enter the instance, go left through the Gate and right again through the second gate. You'll see the Garrison door on your left along the wall.

Enter there. Staying on the lower level, you'll have to get to the big gear lock on the far side of the room. Head upstairs and go to the left. You'll head down a passageway that will become very narrow and you'll cross over the gate through the door you just opened with the big gear. Once you come to a bigger room, you'll want to turn right and head north into the Manufactory.

In there, keep to the right and head east through Shadowforge City. You should see 4 Fireguard Destroyers on the bridge. Past them is the "bar, " aka the Grim Guzzler. Good luck!

Comment by Thottbot There should be a map of this instance displayed on this page the same way a map of a zone is displayed. There even should sightings of creatures and mineral veins on the map. Comment by Thottbot well i was just running this with a group, not far in, and we got to The Ring of Law part, the first part was the bats and after we killed the 2nd boss, Grizzle, the gate to the cage closed down on 4 people in my group and they were stuck in their with no way out But, my friend mage found another use!

Get yourself a pair of Invisibility Potions and Swiftness Potions, and use invisibility at the right spots. Right spots are: When you enter, take first door to the right, take the highway, jump to lava after the corridor with elementals, swim to the bridge, to your right.

If you're an engineer with Seaforium charges, are a rogue, or have the key, open the door. If you're not, relog and as soon you login press up. It works. Ok, here's the trick. If you have enough mana, it's 48 to 60 in about 2 or 3 days with this crazy exp method!

Comment by Thottbot Ok, I'll make something clear to prevent other people to go trough my BRD-run; spend 3 hours trying to figure out how to do it, not sure wether you need that famous shadowforge key or not, and wasting a lot of time. Just to make clear. The quest for the key can be obtained only when you're dead, so in ghostform. Theres a ghost in that tomb you encounter on your way to the entranceportal.

Quest is easy enough. The 2 first gates to open are also easy to find but the 3th thing you need to open isn't a door nor a gate Hope this can save ppl some time. Everyone just say "go down the chain" but what the heck Here's how I do to get to the instance: 1.

Enter Blackrock mountain if you are coming in from Burning Steppes, then go to the side of the big circular room where the entrance from Searing Gorge is to the north. Standing with your back to the entrance from Searing Gorge. Go to the left until you see a small stone in front of you. Go up on that and go up to the chain that is connected to the stone. Follow the chain over the lava, to the stone in the middle of the big circular room. You will see two doors.

Take the left and go through the tomb there is only one way, no mobs until you reach the door out of the tomb. Follow the path to the right, precisly outside the door. You are still on the big stone in the middle of the circular room.

You will see a NPC with a quest. Then follow the corridor to the right until you come to a big cave with working and patrolling dwarfs - now look at your mini-map - there's only one way left, right, entering another room, then forward to go now.

You'll now see the entrance! This sounds complicated but it really isn't! Comment by Allakhazam if you use the shadowforge key to get to the ring of law, how do you get to the arena so the dwarves wont attack you? Don't think you can miss it if you do full run. Comment by Allakhazam Easiest to get to actually- just hard to find. Go through the Ring of Law the little arena you get locked in and are forced to fight.

After the fight, take the exit and when you get to the top of the hallway, take a couple steps out and turn around. You'll see the stairs leading upwards to the spectator area. You should find it just off to the right up there, following a few mobs. Comment by Allakhazam Where is this place? Where Darkvire are! Comment by Allakhazam I've heard it's a nasty place, but useful for mages.

Why is this? Kill the so called "Flame keepers" and loot the flame thingy they drop. You need to keep going like this until you come to one of the 'stage' thingys where there is a elite fire elemental on top.

Kill him and put the flame keeper loot on the fire. Keep doing this until you have lit all the 4 think it is 4 fires. Then door will open. Fight your way to the door. Here is the first time for you to rest. Next room there should be only normal trash mobs, next up is Emperor. Hope this helps. Edited, Nov 28th am by Sewgoth. Comment by Allakhazam im a new user and i don't know how to get into the battle feild if any information post back please.

Comment by bogmore This is the place now where all the rogues go to pickpocket bot. Houndmaster Grebmar Strategy Houndmaster Grebmar pats around the room between two packs of hounds. Kill the pack of hounds opposite of his patrol path. Then, when he pats back, kill the other pack. Once both packs are dead.

The randomness of the encounter can cause issues if the group is not prepared for the possibilities. There are multiple possible bosses, which could be more optimal for some group compositions compared to others. Fineous Darkvire Strategy Fineous Darkvire is a rather straightforward boss. He hits incredibly hard and has a healing mechanic. As such, it is important to interrupt the heal and for healers to pre-cast heals to keep up with the damage output.

Further, when poorly geared, it is important to make sure all the adds along the pathway are killed to avoid an accidental aggro causing a wipe. It is an incredibly easy fight. Bael'gar Strategy Bael'Gar spawns adds, which needs to be kill. Also, tanks need to face Bael'Gar away from the group Magma Splash is not a major concern if that is done.

Outside of the tank taking a lot of damage, this fight is fairly easy. He is also located by the Black Anvil, needed by Blacksmiths. In keeping with Patch 1. To obtain the quest for this key you have to be a ghost and the quets giver is standing on a coffin of some sort in the middle of Blackrock Mountain after you cross the chain and go into the room above the lava.

BRD is really 2 dungeons in one that you can do in many variations. The lower part is and the upper is Its rare that groups do a proper lower BRD run. The average time to complete the entire instance is 4—6 hours due to its complexity: a large amount of mobs and bosses, several scripts, and many quests. The enemy level range is , and the minimum level requirement to enter is level The higher level ones like Scholo, BRD are 5 mans, but all the lower ones can be run with up to 10 people!

The level required to enter them varies, depending on the recommended level to actually complete the dungeon, but the absolute minimum level you can start doing dungeons is Level 10, when you can enter Ragefire Chasm, Wailing Caverns, and the Deadmines. Due to its excellent loot tables, rewarding quests, and engaging layout, ZF is considered to be one of the most popular dungeons in the game.


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