Coral snakes are found in tropical regions of North America and are often confused with non-poisonous non-venomous milk snakes because they look similar. A coral snake can be up to 1 m 3 ft long and has:. At first, mild pain may be the only symptom of a coral snake bite. Within 90 minutes, a feeling of weakness or numbness may occur in the bitten extremity.
Other symptoms may appear up to 12 to 24 hours after a bite. Symptoms may include:. Symptoms that occur less often include double vision, trouble breathing, sweating, muscle aches, and confusion. In rare cases, a person may die from a coral snake bite. If you think you have been bitten by a coral snake, call or other emergency services immediately. Blahd Jr. Author: Healthwise Staff.
Medical Review: William H. A year-old girl was bitten on her arm by an exotic coral snake. She was taken to a hospital and observed in the ICU. She was not treated with antivenom due to its unavailability. Her only reported symptoms were vomiting and swelling, and she was discharged after 3 days in the hospital. Case 3. A 6-year-old boy was bitten while catching a coral snake.
He developed anaphylaxis during antivenom administration. Nine hours after the bite he had drooling and difficulty swallowing and required mechanical ventilation for 8 days. He was discharged after 16 days in the hospital. Expiration date extension for North American coral snake antivenin Micurus fulvius equine origin lot L through January 32, Sartore J.
Eastern coral snake [photo]. Washington: National Geographic Society [cited Aug 31]. Corbett B, Clark RF. North American snake envenomation. Emerg Med Clin North Am. Coral snake toxicity. Goldfrank's toxicologic emergencies. New York: McGraw Hill; c Chapter , Native US venomous snakes and lizards. J Emerg Med. Pawar DK, Singh H. Elapid snake bite. Br J Anaesth. Peterson ME. Coral snakes are extremely reclusive and generally bite humans only when handled or stepped on.
They must literally chew on their victim to inject their venom fully, so most bites to humans don't result in death. In fact, no deaths from coral snake bites have been reported in the U. Eastern coral snakes are relatives of the cobra, mamba, and sea snake. They live in the wooded, sandy, and marshy areas of the southeastern United States, and spend most of their lives burrowed underground or in leaf piles.
They eat lizards, frogs, and smaller snakes, including other coral snakes. Baby snakes emerge from their eggs 7 inches long and fully venomous. Adults reach about 2 feet in length. Average lifespan in the wild is unknown, but they can live up to seven years in captivity.
All rights reserved. Common Name: Eastern Coral Snake. Scientific Name: Micrurus fulvius. Type: Reptiles. Diet: Carnivore. Group Name: Bed, knot. Size: 20 to 30 inches.