The consistency of my fruitcakes is more like that of a very moist plum or Christmas pudding, actually more of a confection than a cake. I suspect that is more common than one might have thought before reading messages posted on Usenet.
I bake them in loaves and begin sloshing on the alcohol while they are still barely warm. I continue adding the liquor daily for about a month. At that point AI wrap each one tightly in several layers of plastic wrap, then a couple layers of foil. Most go in the freezer for long-term storage. Those left out will be eaten for the coming season. I've never found mold in my process, although I sprinkle the cakes from the top. What are the causes of cracking on the top of a fruit cake?
Chris Wilkins. Even when the temperature is correct, and you place the cake on the incorrect rack, then you might end up with a heating problem and a cracked appearance.
Use a thermometer to nail the right temperature. If you do not have one, consider investing in an accurate thermometer designed for cooking and baking. You'll thank yourself later! At least once in our lives, most of us are guilty of the following scenario.
We rush around, get all excited about trying a new recipe, have all the ingredients—and then you realize the pan is not quite the right size. Unfortunately, this extra space, or lack thereof, can both lead to an unsightly cake. The same counts for depth. Very often the depth of a pan is not considered as important as its size, but this will lead to the same unsatisfying results.
Resist that urge! Wait until the day when you can buy the correct pan. You purchase it once and then use the bowl forever. Should the urge feel too great and you want to use an incorrect dish, consider if it's worth making a cracked cake that cannot always be remedied with icing. Bakers who love to make their own bread knead a furrow down the middle of the dough to prevent their bread's crust from cracking during the cooking process.
Meat Dishes. Vegetable Dishes. Green Beans. Ice Cream. Dining Out. Fast Food. Baked Goods. Cooking Equipment. Baking powder and baking soda react with the other ingredients in the cake batter, causing a chemical reaction that helps the cake to rise. Keep your cakes cool or at room temperature. Heat will cause frosting to melt and slide and it dries out the sponge. In summer, or if your kitchen is very warm, it is better to refrigerate your cakes and then allow to come up to room temperature if you plan to serve them at a later time.
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