So it was that King Jabin of Canaan ruled over them with cruelty. This was most likely a descendant of the other King Jabin that had gone to war against Joshua at the Bible Battle of the Waters of Merom one hundred and fifty years before. There is no confusion; it is clear that Scripture is speaking of two different Jabins — one at the time of Joshua and the other at the time of Deborah and Barak. If this is all we had to go by in some report, without knowing much else, we would assume the two accounts spoke of the same battle, mainly when both accounts are contemporary with each other 12 years apart.
In fact, as we know, they are separate battles launched by separate commanders in chief albeit against the same enemy , one in and the other in by Bush father and son respectively. This is important to mention as a rebuttal to those insisting, particular Muslim extremists, that this period of Israelite settlement in Canaan is a fabrication.
The people fell back into sin. The Canaanite modus operandi in war zones was to patrol the plains and low hill regions with their fast moving chariots.
This would keep the Israelites and other raiders from settling permanently or from significantly disturbing Canaanite trade routes along Jezreel Valley. Although the Canaanite kings had formidable strongholds in their fortified cities, they would not be able to actively defeat the Israelites by stating behind their walls. Wherefore, for either foe to defeat the other, he would have to draw him into an open pitched battle.
The Canaanites had their capital at Hazor at this time. The Canaanite army was commanded by Sisera out of Harosheth Haggoyim. As in any military force, the infantry must have made up the bulk of the Canaanite numbers, so there is no purpose mentioning it.
We merely assume that it is the case. So historians — and the Bible is no exception — tend to mention only those troop units or branches of the army that deserve particular emphasis. Here we are told of a force of chariots.
At that time, any opposing force lay at the mercy of this powerful Canaanite weapon when confronting them in the open field. Deborah was the single female judge out of the 13 that Israel had. At no point do we see any of the judges rallying all of the tribes for battle. Either the Israelites were too disorganized to work together as they had done during the Exodus from Egypt or each conflict naturally attracted the tribes in the surrounding areas to the battle.
Deborah either recognized the mantle upon Barak to command the army, or she received direct revelation. Deborah and Barak fought the Canaanites under Sisera, which had a deadly force of chariots, unbeatable in open terrain. Deborah and Barak set up a forward command at Kedesh 3 , in the region of the Plain of Esdraelon.
Barak gathered ten companies of soldiers from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun for his main army. Deborah herself would command a part of the attack force. As soon as the forces were assembled, they turned back towards Mt. The Plain of Esdraelon was the prize. The victory would be to the army that held it. By abandoning their position in Kedesh, at the centre of this region, it looked like the Israelites were giving up in fright, as they left the open ground and sought refuge in the heights of Mt.
Heber was of the semi-nomadic tribe of the Kenites. The Kinates were descendants of Hobab, Moses father in law, and were traditionally favourable towards the Israelites. However, in this case, Heber sided with the Canaanites and betrayed the Israelite positions on Mt. Tabor to Sisera before the battle. In reality, this may have been a trap! It is possible that Heber was, in fact, a disinformation agent sent by Deborah and Barak all along.
In the months preceding Operation Overlord , the Allied invasion of Nazi Occupied Europe in June , two brilliant deceptions were put in place by the allies. The first was that the allied amphibious landings would take place in the more obvious sector: Pas de Calais. The other was that it would be led by their most aggressive General: George S Patton. Both of these were false. The disinformation had been planted in the heart of the Nazi intelligence by a series of clever ploys which included disinformation agents.
Sisera pitched his forces in a plain southwest of Mt. This was a lousy layout because the ground was already marshy with a propensity for mud. In a typically biblical fortuity, an almost identical maneuver happened with the former King Jabin when he prepared to attack Joshua at the Waters of Merom. In that Bible battle, the chariots were dangerously parked by the waters and helpless against an imminent Israelite attack that the Canaanites did not know was about to take place.
Tabor was a feigned retreat. Luke 14 Feb. Mark 15 Feb. Mark 16 Feb. Mark 17 Feb. Mark 18 Feb. Mark 19 Feb. Mark 20 Feb. Mark 21 Feb. Mark 22 Feb. Mark 23 Feb. Mark 24 Feb. Mark 25 Feb. Mark 26 Feb. Mark 27 Feb. Matthew 28 Feb. Luke March New Testament readings 1 Mar. John 2 Mar. John 3 Mar. John 4 Mar. John 5 Mar. John 6 Mar. John 7 Mar. Mark 8 Mar. Luke 9 Mar. Luke 10 Mar. Luke 11 Mar. Luke 12 Mar. John 13 Mar. John 14 Mar. John 15 Mar. John 16 Mar. John 17 Mar. John 18 Mar. Luke 19 Mar.
Mark 20 Mar. Luke , 21 Mar. Luke 22 Mar. John 23 Mar. Mark , 24 Mar. Mark 25 Mar. Mark 26 Mar. Matthew 27 Mar. Matthew 28 Mar. Mark 29 Mar. Mark 30 Mar. Mark 31 Mar. Mark April New Testament readings 1 Apr. Mark 2 Apr. Mark 3 Apr. Mark 4 Apr. John 5 Apr. John 6 Apr. John 7 Apr. John 8 Apr. John 9 Apr. Mark 10 Apr. Mark 11 Apr. Mark 12 Apr. Mark 13 Apr. John , 14 Apr. Mark 15 Apr. Mark 16 Apr. Mark 17 Apr. Luke 18 Apr. John 19 Apr. Matthew 20 Apr.
Matthew 21 Apr. Matthew 22 Apr. Luke 23 Apr. John 24 Apr. John 25 Apr. Matthew 26 Apr. Luke 27 Apr. John 29 Apr. Acts 30 Apr. Acts May New Testament readings 1 May. Acts 2 May. Acts 3 May. Acts 4 May. Acts 5 May. Acts 6 May. Acts 7 May. Acts 8 May.
Acts 9 May. Acts 10 May. Acts 11 May. Acts 12 May. Acts 13 May. Acts 14 May. Acts , 15 May. Acts 16 May. Acts 17 May. Acts 18 May. Acts 19 May. Acts ,,, 20 May. Acts 21 May. Acts 22 May. Acts 23 May. Acts 24 May. Acts 25 May. Acts , 26 May. Acts 27 May. Galatians 28 May.
Acts 29 May. Acts 30 May. Acts 31 May. Acts 3 June. Acts 4 June. Acts 5 June. Acts 6 June. Acts 7 June. Acts 8 June. Acts 9 June. Acts 10 June. Acts 11 June. Acts 12 June. Acts 13 June. Acts 14 June. Acts 15 June. Acts 16 June. Acts 17 June. Acts 18 June. Acts 19 June. Acts 20 June. Acts 21 June. Acts 22 June. Acts 23 June. Acts 24 June. Acts 25 June. Acts 26 June. Acts 27 June. Acts 28 June. Acts 29 June.
Acts 30 June. Romans 3 Sept. Romans 4 Sept. Romans 5 Sept. Romans 6 Sept. Romans 7 Sept. Romans 8 Sept. Romans 9 Sept. Romans 10 Sept. Romans 11 Sept. Romans 12 Sept. Romans 13 Sept. Romans 14 Sept. Romans 15 Sept. Romans 16 Sept. Romans 17 Sept. Romans 18 Sept. Romans 19 Sept.
Ephesians 20 Sept. Ephesians 21 Sept. Ephesians 22 Sept. Ephesians 23 Sept. Ephesians 24 Sept. Ephesians 25 Sept. Ephesians 26 Sept. Ephesians 27 Sept. Ephesians 28 Sept. Ephesians 29 Sept. Ephesians 30 Sept. Ephesians October New Testament readings 1 Oct.
Ephesians 2 Oct. Colossians 3 Oct. Colossians 4 Oct. Colossians 5 Oct. Colossians 6 Oct. Colossians 7 Oct. Colossians 8 Oct. Colossians 9 Oct. Philemon 10 Oct. Philemon 11 Oct. Philippians 12 Oct. Philippians 13 Oct. Philippians 14 Oct. New York: Bal, Mieke. Bloomington, Indiana: Conway, Colleen M. New York: Oxford, Fewell, Danna Nolan, and David M. Guest, Deryn. Teresa J. Hornsby and Ken Stone, Altanta: Society of Biblical Literature, Niditch, Susan. Day, 43— Minneapolis: Fortress Press, Reis, Pamela Tamarkin.
Tamber-Rosenau, Caryn. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, Yee, Gale A. Have an update or correction? Let us know. Episode E. Lockhart's New Jewish Superhero. Jewish Women's Archive.