They disappear when the reason for communication diminishes, as communities either move apart, one community learns the language of the other, or both communities learn a common language usually the official language of the country.
The same is true of Pidgin French which disappeared from Vietnam after the French left the country. However, this is not always the case. Chinese Pidgin English Chinglish , developed in the 17th century in Canton Guandong , China,and survived for almost three centuries. Its use spread from master-servant relationships to those between English and Chinese traders and bureaucrats. It continued in use until about the end of the 19th century, when the Chinese started to switch to standard English.
Ethnologue lists 18 pidgins used around the world. Four of them are extinct and many are in the process of disappearing. There are no estimates of number of speakers for many of them. If a pidgin survives, and the next generation of speakers learns it as their first language or if it becomes a stable lingua franca , it becomes a creole.
Grammar Pidgins usually have smaller vocabularies, a simpler structure, and more limited functions than natural languages. Some typical features include of pidgin languages are as follows:. Vocabulary Since vocabulary is restricted, words in a pidgin language have a wide range of meanings.
Pidgin languages are used exclusively for oral communication. Only after they develop into creoles, does the need for a writing system arise. How difficult is it to learn Pidgin languages? There is no data on the difficulty of Pidgin languages for speakers of English. Toggle navigation. Chinook Wawa. Liberian English. Chinese Pidgin English. Language Difficulty. Languages A-Z. Select Language. Tibetic Languages. Tok Pisin.
Arabic Egyptian Spoken. And what is the difference between pidgin and creole? I wrote recently about the origins of creoles and their use around the world, and that got me thinking about pidgin language. The terms are often — erroneously — used interchangeably, so I thought it was a topic worth exploring. Pidgin languages facilitate communication where speakers of mutually unintelligible languages need to overcome the linguistic barriers that divide them. A pidgin language incorporates words from both parties, as well as new vocabulary that is unique to the pidgin.
Speakers usually acquire a pidgin as a second language, rather than speaking it natively. Creoles are spoken natively; pidgins are not. What is the difference between pidgin and creole? In a nutshell, pidgins are learned as a second language in order to facilitate communication, while creoles are spoken as first languages. Creoles have more extensive vocabularies than pidgin languages and more complex grammatical structures.
Pidgins, meanwhile, are known for the simplicity of their grammar. You can read more about creole languages by clicking the link below. Why is there confusion around the whole creole vs pidgin discussion? And the same is true of many creole speakers around the world. Well, we need to look at little more closely at the evolution of a pidgin language to understand that. Read more: Creole Languages.
Not a single one, no. Different pidgins are spoken around the world, arising where circumstances have dictated the need for effective communication but where linguistic common ground was lacking.
It is this need to understand that has driven the development of pidgins across the globe. Often, that need has been prompted by trade. It was originally used to refer to Chinese Pidgin English more on this below , before becoming more generally used to refer to any pidgin language. Scholastic opinion is divided as to quite how creoles develop, but the majority view is that pidgins form and then evolve into creoles. The tipping point is when nativization occurs — where the children of parents who speak a pidgin language as a second tongue grow up as native speakers.
Creoles that evolve from pidgins tend to take on more complex grammatical structures and expand their vocabulary. Pidgin languages are important for a number of reasons. I mentioned trade above, and pidgins across the globe certainly play a key role in enabling this. Even in our world of translation apps and real-time translation earbuds, pidgins are used extensively to conduct face-to-face business. Money might make the world go round, but pidgins have other important uses to.
They can provide a connection between different cultural groups, and the means to engage socially and build community ties. And, of course, pidgins are also important in linguistic terms. What is Pidgin? What is so special about Pidgin? Other examples are:. I wan chop I want to eat Wetin dey 'appen? What is happening? I no no I do not know Where you dey? Where are you. How many people speak it? Read the original article. By providing your email, you agree to the Quartz Privacy Policy.
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Published October 14, This article is more than 2 years old.