Where is molten core

Now then, remember that ledge you saw Golemagg from? Let's head back that direction. Golemagg the Incinerator — While there are many molten giants in Molten Core, Golemagg is the greatest of them.

Battle Pet hunters! After taking out Sulfuron and Golemagg, head up the path to the northeast that leads to the raised area where Majordomo Executus and friends wait for you. Time to backtrack. If you stand in just the right spot, you can still see him. Keep in mind that Ragnaros will knock you airborne, and thus can represent something of a threat even to high level players.

Combining the Eye with a Sulfuron Hammer will reward you with the Legendary hammer. Molten Core resets weekly though, and you can return to try again. Upon defeating Ragnaros and watching the great hammer Sulfuras dunk itself in his magma pool, your journey is over. In the meantime, have you visited Molten Core recently, and if so, what were you there to achieve?

Do you have any tips or warnings for players who might be attempting Molten Core below level 90? Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer. Overwatch League. Log In. Races Classes Talents. Warcraft Lore. Arena World Championship. Mythic Dungeon International. WoW Classic New. Log in. Try Free. New WoW Classic.

Play WoW Free to Level Download WoW. Learn more about the Free Trial. Short Stories. The Story of Warcraft. New to WoW New. Returning Players New. Realm Status. If you have completed the Blood Elf's quest, he will port you direct to the dungeon, otherwise you'll have to walk there.

Once you have done the raid, you will need to port yourself out. The only other way out of the raid is to walk back the way you came and step back out. There are a total of 10 bosses in this instance and they are listed below in order of encounter as you progress through the raid. There's no register feature and no need to give an email address if you don't need to.

All messages will be reviewed before being displayed. Comments may be merged or altered slightly such as if an email address is given in the main body of the comment. You can decline to give a name which if that is the case, the comment will be attributed to a random star.

A name is preferred even if its a random made up one by yourself. If you give an email address, you may receive an email notifying you when someone else has added a comment to the same page. Also a good way to earn reputation with the Hydraxian Waterlords if that is your thing. Comment by Tan This is easy. We 3 manned it last night. It took awhile but we each got over g and it was fun.

Comment by I am trying to get the Classic Raider Achievement - Im not really interested in any quest there may be, just an achievement junkie. I just did Onxyia's Lair last night and moving down the list it's time for Molten Core!

Before I attempt it and while the server is down I figure I would stop in here and see what I need to get into the instance if anything. I spent about 2 days running around Dire Maul and then Desolace because I thought I needed to be attuned for Onyxia and needed the Drakefire Amulet as a key - both of which I didn't need! Just needed to be in a raid group! If I could skip that wasted time for my future Raid Achievements then woot to me!

Also - If anyone has the Coordinates for the entrance that would be super sweet If not maybe a little more detail about where it is located. Thanks for any help! DoC -- edit-- if your not hip to the groove like me right then its my pleasure to inform you that there's no need to be attuned to MC. Comment by I can confirm this, Me and my Druid friend just ran a 50 warrior through for some gear and a chance at my Binding. Comment by I'm not sure if this has been said, I didn't read all the comments, butt Today one of my guildies and my hunter went to do MC to get my hunter one of the pets, after getting lost several times and with a little help from wowhead we finally reached the core fragment, as you can imagine, we basically cried when we realized we had to do the whole thing over again to hand the quest in.

So I suggested just trying to get into MC, we converted it to a raid group and voila! Comment by For anyone interested in running this for the achievement or farming old boe epics or trying to get the twink enchants. The droprates for the enchants certainly were improved as stated in the patch.

All of the trash is soloable at 80 with decent gear. Every boss in the zone can be 2 manned, many can be soloed.

Respawn info: The roaming ancient core hounds and lava surgers will respawn very quickly. The fire imps to the left of the zoneline will respawn even more quickly.

Everything else in the zone respawns after a few hours, and the giants take the longest to respawn they were back the next morning, but long after everything else - possibly only after a soft reset. The packs of core hounds that reignite are a disaster if you don't dps them evenly. They aren't a threat otherwise so take the time to tab through them and make sure that un? Shazzrah is probably the easiest boss in the zone.

Baron Geddis is much easier if you pull him underneath the tunnel leading into his area, where the ceiling will greatly limit your fall damage, if you have a mana bar, stay oom and wand, and use your mana as soon as it appears, and you won't take nearly as much damage from his mana burn, offsetting your need to heal to compensate for the lack of mana. Of course, if you can dispel magic, this doesn't apply. For druids specifically: Shift into cat or use bear charge to escape the fall damage from the various bosses that will cause you to launch into the air.

Everything in the zone is vulnerable to infected wounds. Demoralizing roar scales ridiculously well in this zone, due to the low base attack power of many of the mobs. Majordomo looks intimidating but the only damage comes from the fire you're stuck standing in.

Comment by frost mages might want to think about bringing a freezer with them I hear frostbolts melt in mid air down there. Comment by is this soloable at 78 good geared.

Comment by Hi at the moment im trying to solo this with me retri pala we have gotten to the core hounds and i found them really hard, im doing it with a lvl 60 pally healer which help a little it just meens ive gotta keep aggro too which isnt easy-. Comment by oh and at 78 i dought it is solo able because with my 80 pala im having diffuculties and he is good geared im geared for naxx so i dont think 78 can handle it.

Comment by SeanDamnit The entire zone is soloable by a prot paladin. All the bosses are pretty unnoteable, they just take forever - the exception is Gehennas, who will kick your ass something fierce. Put up shadow resist, burn the adds down as fast as possible, and make sure you bubble out of the curse and heal yourself here and there. The other pain in the ass is Ragnaros, but that's just because you don't end up getting a lot of DPS time before he submerges, so it takes like 30 min to kill him.

Comment by 2 manned with me an elemental shaman and a holy paladin. Took about 2 hours died a lot because we weren't sure how to go about doing certain parts. The holy pally tanked everything, healing himself a lot, and I just sat there doing damage. It was actually very easy. I think we could probably do the entire thing in an hour if we reallly tried. Rag was easy, I just healed the pally when he needed it and other than that spammed lightning bolt.

Took about 10 minutes. Comment by This may be a stupid question, but do u get XP in lvl 60 raids? Comment by Thottbot This is instance is inside of BRD, after you complete the seven ghosts you can take a path to it also near the dark iron forge. Comment by Thottbot I've been though MC 2 times up to magnadar the second "boss" fight if you count Lucifron as a boss lucifron 4 times total. We killed Lucifron on our first try, and the last time we did it he killed about of us and we finished him off with about 15 people.

The pulls are ugly and the bosses, and mini bosses have tons of life, i believe Magnadar has about , hp. There is definatly a need of skilled leaders, and a group of 40 people that can take directions, and listen to them. Every boss fight takes completely different tactics and lots of trys : to perfect. On our fourth try Lucifron died in Comment by Thottbot well on my first run Silence any many others kill magmadar on second wipe against him Comment by Thottbot Blizz has mentioned "Hero Classes" which everyone ive talked to assumes is some kinda of level cap increase.

I dont know if thats true, it could also be additional classes besides warrior, mage, ect that have to be leveled from 1. But if Blizz does plan on raising caps it will not be for a long long long long long time.

If they do raise caps, yes, MC will be much less difficult. I assume that the maraudon bosses would seem very godly to a group of lv 20s.

But if the cap goes up haha dont you think they would add even higher lv dungons? Comment by Thottbot You will most likely never get a pick up group for MC Comment by Thottbot dudes i did MC a month ago, my guild had to try some other raids be4 diong this one so littne up ,you dont have to beat the game in 1 day.

Comment by Thottbot Everybody got same problems on massive-curses by the boss.. Dont depend on the healers all the time, You can "Bandage" yourself if possible coz this is really a long fight and healers surely run-out of mana.

Lucifron continuesly spamming those spells in every 30secs.. Tips: 1. Main-Tank on Lucifron , Off-tanks on 2-adds. Take down the adds first. Dps as u can 3. Comment by Thottbot look up a post Comment by Thottbot How long on average does this instance take? I heard 8 hours is that right? In fact the whole MC experience is nothing more then numbers. The number of raiding members is all the matters outside of keeping the raiding group balanced with up to 5 or 6 of each class, depending on faction.

Do this and you can go from Luci to Rag in no time at all. Comment by Thottbot I would hardly say MC is dead. Theres quite a lot of people out there, I imagine, who have never done MC before and will leap at the chance to, at the least, kill Ragnaros once now they are at lvl Not to mention that nothing replaces experience. I imagine that the lvl 70 raid instances will be somewhat harder than MC one way or another, so getting your guild through MC a couple times at least will help improve your overall chances in harder raid instances.

It's not a main target of your average raid guild now though, I'll give you that. Comment by Thottbot MC is almost.. Yes almost 5 man-able.. Just did it with 6 70's Well the first 2 bosses anyway.. It just gets too complicated for 4 people to take? Comment by Thottbot Good old days. Comment by Thottbot We failed to 40 man it with lvl 70s yet lots of people manned it.

Means it is still a no-noob raid, good coordination required, and no bad pulls. Comment by Thottbot Do i have to do any quest to enter to MC or not anymore? Because in the past onyxia needed a long quest chain and now dont need anything for it. Comment by Thottbot When a raid is commencing, usually a group of a lock and 2 more are sent deep into brd to summon anyone needing attunement straight to the Core of The mountain, they click it, and pop they are ready.

Comment by Thottbot As of 3. No easy skipping of bosses. You still pretty much need to do attunement quest. Comment by Thottbot looked at posts above min level to enter here is? Comment by Thottbot me and some friends 4 manned this 80 rogue,pally,druid and preist just for fun and the achivment. Comment by Thottbot Yes, you still need to be attuned to get in as of 3.

My 80DK couldn't get in otherwise. Comment by Thottbot wow, this was the funnest thing i've done in a while. Not only that but he has four healers that heal together at the same time and can easily bring him back to full. What we did was actually have our 80 ret pull all of them. We focused on the healers first. They have a bunch of health and mana. I stood back putting on diseases, applying Death Strike for when I got low on health, and covered my important job. This kept down the heals while they slowly ran out of mana.

Once all the priests were out of mana, it was just a easy beat down from there. After you downed all four priests, finish off the boss. He does little damage with mediocre health compared to the other bosses. Good Luck! Note: We wiped twice to finally figure out the strategy.

I had to leave soon after that boss not knowing how late it was, and I had to go. Idk what happened next.

Visit Highlord Demitrian in Silithus. Aquire 10x Elementium Bar. Bring your guild and head back to Highlord Demitrian.


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