He also has his own vocabulary which he uses to avoid trouble with the FCC. Q: Who else is part of the Greaseman show? Q: What is the Greaseman's real name? A: Doug Tracht. He prefers to keep his radio life and his personal life separate. Q: Why does Howard Stern hate the Greaseman so much?
When the Greaseman was hired to take Howie's place he not only held on to Howie's audience but increased it. Then when Howard syndicated in DC he competed with the Grease until the Grease moved to Infinity where they now are co-workers for the Broadcasting Giant. As Grease put it one time, they are "Boss Jock Buddies". You can probably find more information about this in Howard Stern's book "Private Parts".
Q: Which one was the Grease in the Village People? But in the bit, he was the construction worker. Q: How can I get in touch with him? I am pretty sure that his producers screen them. Q: What bits does the Greaseman do?
A: Fudgeman- Fudgeman and his chicken assistant throbin save the world from deviant behavior Back in time with an uzi- the Grease uses the equipment in the radio studio to return to key moments in history with his uzi Carlos the International Terrorist- Episodes of running into the famed and heavily armed terrorist, Carlos Medical Man- Stories about when Nino was the pompous Dr.
Fury- the Grease relives his time in Viet Deliverance a class in which the Grease analyzes the movie Deliverance. Clinton- a look at how life would be if the Grease and Clint Eastwood got a knock on the head and decided to live alternative lifestyles Law Man- the Grease tells about life as a law man Big Dick Brannigan- the Grease tells about his flashback to his past life as a private dick Emperor Tocasfacius- the Grease tells about his flashback to his past life as a ruler of the Holy Roman Empire Irving Greasemanawitz- the Grease tells about his flashback to his past life as the first Yiddish Lawman West Virginia- Greaseman shows his respect for the people of WVA My Daddy- Description of how Oscar Greasemaneli gets into trouble Ugly Women- Recounts of how The Grease and his daddy picked up and enjoyed ingus with ugly women Good Ship Grease- stories about how the Grease spends his lesiure time in his boat.
Damien- The Grease has occasion to run into the "dark master" while he is trying to perform his duties. Q: What other gigs did Grease do on the radio?
A: Like any other up-and-coming DJ, Grease worked at other stations in other markets to develop his unique style. Q: Did he always leave on good terms? A: In almost all cases, yes. The one notable exception was WRC, when management decided his morning personality wasn't quite right, and gave him a choice between dropping the "Greaseman" character and leaving.
Grease chose the latter. Although he left Florida voluntarily to take the better offer at DC, he did offend some bible-belt types during his stay. The Florida gig was important to developing the Grease as a "god-fearing, truck-driving redneck," though. The Florida station has since gone to religious music "From Grease to Grace" was their motto for a while.
Their loss. Q: Are there any good biographies or other comprehensive stories about the Greaseman? A: Grease is a very private person, and spent a number of years in DC before finally consenting to an in-depth story about him in the Washington Post Magazine Fall OK, that ain't the largest addition we've had, but any new quality bits are welcome. February 17, -- What a find!
This is great stuff -- Enjoy. And thanks, Larry! February 5, -- more bits! My High School buddy Karl loaded his entire cassette Grease collection into iTunes and sent it to me.
Thanks a mil-mil-million, Karl! Also new today, the 8th and final? No reason has been offered for the brutal killing of an innocent man standing at his own door. The excuse given by the Mayor of New York, Mr Rudolph Giuliani, for the behaviour of the police officers, in testimony before a congressional committee, is that his administration is fighting to reduce crime in New York and is succeeding. Among his concessions to public unease is to cut down security at City Hall and ban demonstrations in front of the building.
These security concerns were adopted in lower Manhattan, he said, "to thwart possible terrorist attacks after the bombing of two American embassies in east Africa". Only those who can prove they have business in City Hall are allowed past the police barricades. Under Operation Bravo, as it is called, news conferences and demonstrations were banned from the steps of City Hall.
Following the decision of a federal judge, who permitted an AIDS rally to take place there, these measures have been eased. The Rev Al Sharpton, pointing out that blacks are Mr Clinton's staunchest allies, told the President: "Now we need you to intervene to meet directly with civil rights leaders so that Americans of colour no longer have to live in fear of the cops and the robbers.
In the past five years, her department has prosecuted police officers and convicted more than Please update your payment details to keep enjoying your Irish Times subscription.
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