Beyond him is a female Scientist with a Deerling for a change of pace. The building in the north is a research facility that studies the seasons, explaining the Scientists and their season-based Pokemon.
Inside, you can show the left Scientist each of Deerling's four forms to receive a Leaf Stone. Grab the Hyper Potion next to the research center, as well as the Elixir in the tall grass behind the fence to the south. Trek west of the female Scientist and you'll discover an open field with tall grass, more Trainers and several item balls, which are all actually some Foongus in disguise, if you're having trouble finding them and want to catch or see one. After defeating the second Foongus, an item ball is left behind containing a Leaf Stone, if you need one to evolve Pansage.
He too will give you a Cheri Berry after losing, and north of him is another short bridge that leads to a house where a woman will heal your Pokemon. Her daughter will give you a Shiny Stone, which evolves Minccino into Cinccino. Surrounding the house's northeast perimeter is some double battle grass with the same Pokemon from earlier in the Route, but you can also just go north through the regular tall grass.
Either way leads to Chargestone Cave, the next dungeon. Approach the yellow spider's web and examine it to make Clay and his assistant come up from behind. His assistant will bash down the spider web, at which point Clay will finally give you TM78 - Bulldoze. Since it always lowers the Speed of the target, Bulldoze is a pretty useful move for getting through the game, so feel free to teach it to a few of your Physical attackers. Chargestone Cave is the game's first true cave-based dungeon, featuring several new Pokemon, floors and Trainer battles.
As you enter, two pointless henchmen will teleport in and drag you two feet over to N so he can ask you another question, which you can answer however you'd like, before noting that Ghetsis wants to see your power and leaving. The only repeat Pokemon here are Boldore, the evolved form of Roggenrola, and Drilbur, who only appears in dust clouds. Since the cave is quite obviously lightning-themed, it offers two new Electric-types: the rare lamprey Tynamo and the spider Joltik.
Tynamo is a pure Electric who evolves into Eelektrik and Eelektross, the latter of which has quite solid stats and no weaknesses thanks to its Levitate ability. Both reach their final stages quite late, but the Steel-typing is invaluable due to its resistances.
Ferroseed's evolution Ferrothorn is very slow but quite sturdy with good Attack, while Klink becomes Klinklang, who has more evenly-distributed stats. Any of these Pokemon are worth catching. Continue north and you'll notice a stone with small bolts of electricity dancing around it. Oddly, you can walk right through these bolts and not get hurt, despite the game making a crackling noise as you walk through them.
A bit further up, your path will be blocked off. Bianca will come and explain that some of these floating stones are movable, but she doesn't mention that they need to pushed toward the larger magnetic rocks to move.
Professor Juniper also comes, explaining that she's here to research Klink, and then gives you a Lucky Egg, a great hold item for training that doubles EXP that your Pokemon receive. Push the stone above Bianca to the left to proceed through the path, which ends at another crystal to be pushed right.
Pick up the Parlyze Heal on the ground, head up the right stairs to beat a Scientist with a Klink, and then push aside the crystals below him to reach a Revive and go up the other stairs.
A Heal Ball is in the northwestern corner here, and further east is a male Ace Trainer who has an Archen. An Elixir is hidden in the dead end to his northeast.
Trek through the path behind him and push the upper crystal to the left, and then the lower crystal to the south. A bit further east on this path, Juniper and Bianca will update you on their research. You can ignore the crystal at the spot where Juniper and Bianca talk to you, but there's now a split in the path. For now, the northern branch leads to a dead end, since there's a stone that you can't move yet, but you can fight the Hiker who has a Boldore and a Gurdurr right now.
Hidden near him is a Max Potion if you want to hunt that down. Take the southern path and some more of Team Plasma's ninjas henchmen will teleport in, drag you across a bridge, and note that Team Plasma is waiting for you downstairs.
The item ball near here is a Hyper Potion, so pick that up and move the next stone to the south to get through the narrow opening. Follow the land here to find a female Scientist who owns a Klink and some stairs that lead to the lower level. Before going downstairs, push the lower stone here to the left and maneuver around to the item ball, which contains an Iron to provide ten Defenses EVs to one of your Pokemon.
We're now in the basement, although the wild Pokemon aren't any different, so head left a bit and you'll find two guys standing around. Far left of them is an exit that takes you back upstairs, but it's really only a shortcut if you need to leave Chargestone Cave in a hurry and thus can be ignored, although there is a hidden Parlyz Heal on the ground after the row of three small floating crystals that you can't move.
Head up the stairs next to the Nugget Brothers to find a few more branches leading north. A Timer Ball is in the northwest corner, and a Doctor with a Swadloon is on the western path; he'll heal your Pokemon after the fight, which is useful because about ten Plasma Grunts are along the path to your north.
Just left of the Doctor is another Revive hidden on the cave's wall. You'll fight, in order, a male with a Sandile, Watchog and Scraggy; a second male who has only a Scraggy; a female who uses a Trubbish and a Liepard; a second female who has three Trubbish; and a third male who uses Watchog and Sandile.
After the fifth Grunt, you'll find a few more pushable rocks, so move the closest one of the left and travel through to find a Thunderstone, which evolves Tynamo's evolution Eelektrik into Eelektross.
Reverse your steps to the last rock you moved, and push up the other stone to find two more Plasma Grunts: a female who has only a Liepard and a male who uses Sandile and Watchog. Before continuing up the stairs on the right here, go down the stairs to the left and into the second basement floor. Proceed south here, beating the female Ace Trainer with a Drilbur and a Zebstrika, and push the crystal to the right to find a few branched paths.
Head far west and then all the way north to find a BrightPowder at the end of the path; this lowers the Accuracy of attacks targeting the holder. Retrace your steps and continue going south to fight another Ace Trainer named Stellaaaaa! Descend the stairs near her and collect the two items on this level, a Hyper Potion and a Rare Candy; also hidden down here are a Parylz Heal and Star Piece, so you can look for those with your Itemfinder "Dowsing MCHN" before going back upstairs to the Team Plasma Grunts and taking the right staircase.
Keep going up to find the first Grunt of the series that Team Plasma has up in your way. This one has a Sandile lvl. The next Grunt has a Scraggy lvl. The third one has a Trubbish lvl. The fourth has a trio of Trubbish lvl. The fifth has a Watchog lvl. The sixth is behind a pair of stones that you need to push aside, both of the stones you just need to walk into. This Grunt has a Liepard lvl. The last Grunt is not too far behind them with their Sandile lvl.
There is one more area to explore from here before you head up the nearby stairs. Go back to the left and go down the stairs near the Grunt. On the second basement floor, keep heading south. You will find Ace Trainer Allison waiting with her Drilbur lvl. After you beat her, push the floating stone to the right.
Head down the now cleared path. Weave your way down and to the right. Head for the nearby stairs and go down them to reach an item ball with a Hyper Potion inside it. Head down and to loop up to the left to reach the next item ball with a Rare Candy.
Moving around, not too far from those stairs is another Ace Trainer. This is Stella with her Gothita lvl. From her, head upwards, favoring the right to find the last item ball on this floor with some BrightPowder inside.
This hold item decreases the accuracy of your opponent's Pokemon while facing the Pokemon holding it. Head back to the stairs that lead down here, time to resume the trek out of here.
Head on up the stairs near that final Grunt. This leads to the second half of the first floor. Head down and to the left to find Scientist Orville with his Klink. Head back to the right and down to find Ace Trainer Corky with his Whimsicott lvl.
Go down the stairs behind him to find an item ball with a Magnet inside. This hold item increases the power of Electric-type moves. Head back up and go to the right. As you near the exit, N will show up and challenge you. Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- I Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- Developing Ruins. Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- Enough buildings, buildings are boring.
Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- Backpackers and Moles. Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- Sand Castle. Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- Off to the Right. Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- Zoroark and the Rangers. Pokemon Black 2 Walkthrough- Plasma! Ticks and Eels? Steel Gem. Normal Gem. Fire Stone. Water Stone. Leaf Stone. Moon Stone. Sun Stone. Shiny Stone. Dusk Stone. Dawn Stone. Oval Stone. Hard Stone. Team Plasma. Black and White. Reward: Iron Defense.
Smack Down. Power Gem. Iron Barbs. Metal Claw. Pin Missile. Gyro Ball. Bug Bite. Gastro Acid. Klink Lv.